*도축장을 시네마센터로 리뉴얼 프로젝트 [ (ch+qs) architects ] Public Cinema Center in Matadero de Legazpi, Madrid

마드리드에 새로운 퍼블릭 스페이스가 개장합니다. 과거 도축장으로 사용되었던 공간을

지역주민들의 커뮤니티를 위한 퍼블릭 시네마 센터로 리뉴얼 합니다.

재미있는 것은 장소가 가지고 있는 어두운 면을 지우지 않고 현재의 공간 속에 남겨 배경으로 사용

하는 것입니다. 그 어두움은 시네마 하우스의 어두운 배경을 이루며 교묘하게 현재의 시공간에 맞아 들어 갑니다.

이것은 기존 도축장에 지그재그 깨어진 벽돌과 맞물려 들어가는 다크그레이 톤의 소나무 패널의

접합 방식과 닮아 있습니다. 이렇게 이루어진 벽과 천장 그리고 바닥은 과거와 현재를

동치합니다.-기존의 것을 지금의 방식으로 바꾸지 않고 그대로 받아 들임은 우리가 자연을

그래도 받아들여 건축하는 전통적인 방식, 그랭이와 비슷합니다. 이것은 개인적인

의견에 의해 원래 본질을 잃어 버리지 않고 본질을 존중하는 일입니다.-

이렇게 구축된 배경을 뒤로 형성된 빛의 통로는 디자이너의 과거를 모티브로 시작하여

지금의 공간에서 결실을 맺습니다. 디자이너의 유년시절의 매력적인 작업이었던 바구니

직조방식은 필름보관소와 시네마룸을 연결하는 빛의 통로로써 공간을 관통하며

시간을 연결합니다. 오렌지 컬러의 호스를 트위스트한 구축방식은 단순하지만

강렬한 재질감으로 시네마 센터의 구심점 역활을 합니다.

과거의 공간과 디자이너의 상상력이 결부된 실험의 장은 지역주민들을 위한 커뮤니티 센터로

필름보관소, 필름과 텔레비젼 스튜디오, 오피스, 두개의 시네마 하우스 등으로 이루어지며

향후 마드리드 남부지방의 문화적 교두보로 자리 매김 할 것입니다.

reviewed by SJ

when architects and designers are called in to redesign a space that already exists for a specific reason and their goal is to reinvent that space for an entirely different use, professionals are faced with a duality of responsibility and potential.  In order to respect what once was and bring truth and beauty to the space that is without time or purpose, the task at hand becomes visceral. Questions arise as to how we want people to feel in this space. How can this space envelop the senses and become functional in its new incarnation while retaining its inherent beauty?

These questions emerged when churtichaga+quadra salcedo (ch+qs) architects commenced on their project to turn an old slaughterhouse in Legazpi, Madrid into a public cinema center. Their imagination would become their guide to tie in the past with the present and the raw emotion with the practical. The public cinema center is a huge complex made up of several connecting buildings, housing a film archive, a film and television studio, offices, two cinemas, a canteen and a summer film patio.

Project name: Cinema Center in Matadero de Legazpi
Location: Matadero de Legazpi, Madrid, Spain
Program: Refurbishment and conversion of an old slaughterhouse into a public cinema center housing a film archive, film and television studio, two cinemas, offices, canteen, and summer film patio
Area: Built-up Area: 2.688 m2
Year: Design: 2009 • Completion: 2011
Cost: 4.104.843 €
Client: Madrid City Council
Project bychurtichaga+quadra salcedo architects
Team: Principal Designer: Josemaria de Churtichaga • Project Design Team: Mauro Doncel Marchán, Natanael López Pérez • Building Design Team: Leticia López de Santiago
Others: Contractor: Edhinor • Quantity Surveyor: Joaquín Riveiro Pita, Martín Bilbao Bergantiños • Structural Surveyor: Euteca • Facilities Surveyor: Úrculo Ingenieros Consultores
Images: Fernando Guerra, FG+SG Architectural Photography

The designer had the following three inspirations to draw from when creating the design: 

The magical backlight and contrast of the films, a childhood fascination with basketry and weaving, and technical human infinite geometries.

And as one looks at the finished project, it is easy to spot these three dynamics at work. Dark gray slats of pine wood that shape the walls, ceilings and floors create a clear distinction of the new space from the jagged exposed bricks of the old slaughterhouse. This clever use of materials provides room for both, the history of the old slaughterhouse to coexist with the sleek new design and the new beginnings of a modern cinema center. The marvel is how these potentially harsh and intense materials manage to never overwhelm but look rather Zen and clean.

The dark gray pine wood acts as a backdrop where the designer let his memory and imagination come to life. His childhood fascination with basketry comes alive and influences the lighting as “floating figures” and “huge vibrant baskets” that occupy the open main spaces. The Archive Area is covered by a “permeable basket” that works as a gigantic lamp that one can walk through and on top of. It filters light and is constructed of what seems to be an infinite number of woven orange hoses (actual conventional industrial irrigation hoses). The main room is illuminated in orange by another floating basket that fades into the darkness, with only the black surface remaining when a movie begins playing. In the small projection room, the basket weaves once again through a black space and only when a window opens to let in natural light, can one see the intricate work and brilliant concept at play.

The Matadero promises to be a great attraction and public gathering space, a centerpiece project of an urban renewal effort to bring cultural and art programs to southern urban Madrid.

>> The tectonic history of brick and the powerful rhetoric of the old slaughterhouse are the background, and also figure in the scenes of the story, a story in which a continuous low background, a wooden mono material painted in dark gray defines the new program deployed on the walls, floors and ceilings, allowing a clear separation between story and History itself. Against this dark background, my own memory outputs floating figures; huge vibrant baskets that define the main spaces. <<

churtichaga+quadra salcedo architects

from  yatzer


Designed by JB FACTORY