*런던아이 그리고 아이 가든 [ Andy Sturgeon ] Pommery Eye Garden

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reviewed by SJ

Leading UK garden designer Andy Sturgeon created this garden for the EDF London Eye as part of London’s South Bank and Bankside Cultural Quarter’s Cityscapes festival.

The inaugural Cityscapes garden design festival takes place over the summer at venues such as the Old Vic Tunnels, Architecture Foundation and Design Museum. It showcases the world’s leading garden designers in collaboration with artists and designers chosen by the UK’s major cultural institutions creating temporary and permanent green spaces for the capital.  The aim is to bring a creative new approach to the way urban parks and gardens are designed.

The Pommery Eyegarden’s concept is quite simple in that the normal 360 degree views in the capsule are obscured and framed by a veil of a metropolis like towers and an encroaching orchard.  A sound piece by Darryl Moore evolves with the rotation of the capsule as the views to the horizon gradually extend.

The garden had to be designed and constructed in a manner that it could be installed overnight ready for the public at 8am the next day.

Landscape Architecture: Andy Sturgeon
Images: Copyright Cityscapes/ Mischa Haller
Project is part of Cityscapes Garden Design Festival London 2012.
Location: London
Year: 2012

from  landezine


Designed by JB FACTORY