*농장을 레스토랑으로 리뉴얼 합니다 [ Minas Kosmidis ] Restaurant Farma Kreaton - Komotini, Greece

새롭게 오픈한 파마 크리톤 레스토랑은 그리스의 대중적인 음식을 맛 볼 수 있는

장소로 유명합니다. 150석의 좌석으로 구성된 270제곱미터의 공간은

1950년대 농장과 안마당을 새롭게 리노베이션하여 탄생시킨 공간으로

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가지런히 놓여 있는 오브제들이 이곳의 향취를 더해줍니다.

모던함 속에 편안한 나무로 마감처리된 내부공간은

사랑하는 이와의 저녁식사를 행복하게 도와줄 것 입니다.

reviewed by SJ

Restaurant Farma Kreaton (Meat Farm in Greek)is the recently opened addition to the well publicized Fabrica Kreaton restaurant located in the center of the city of Komotini, (Adrianoupoleos 4) in northeastern Greece.

The architecture and interior design of both spaces are by Minas Kosmidis (Μηνάς Κοσμίδης) with offices in Thessaloniki and Komotini.
In the case of Farma Kreaton, graphic designer Yiannis Tokalatsidis created the minimalist, hand-drawn graphics and cut-outs of cows, chickens and the scenery of the countryside that set the whimsical barn-yard chic tone to the entire space.

The 270 square-meter (almost 3,000 square- feet), 150 seat new restaurant is in essence an additional open-concept eating area to the existing Fabrica Kreaton that, in turn, is themed around a Greek butcher shop. Both are housed in a renovated 1950s farm house with a large yard.

In Farma Kreaton, in addition to the graphic components, we were attracted to the lovely, white-painted wood floors and the overall feel of a temporary barn-raising supper.

The simple plank tables, the mismatched, unpretentious chairs, the humble potted plants and herbs on the tables, all exude a feel of a space dedicated — just for the moment — to sumptuous eating and enjoyment of good company.

The hay bales, pick forks, watering cans and cut-out animals remind the diners of the work done and to-be done on the farm, the dinner beings just a moment of celebration — perhaps of a good hay harvest or a successful calving.

In short, Minas Kosmidis and his team have managed to create a believable semblance of a working farm without going overboard and ending up with a contrived, pretentious “concept” instead.

The food at Farma Kreaton is typical Greek meat-based plates, and the diners are predominantly locals. Tuija Seipell.

from  thecoolhunter


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