*그린월 [ Green Studios ] The green wall of the Sultan Ibrahim Restaurant in Maameltein

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reviewed by SJ

Green Studios (Beirut) , in collaboration with Gatserelia design were assigned to design and execute a 100 sqm green 'skin' of the new Sultan Ibrahim restaurant in Maameltein, Lebanon

Location: Maameltein, Lebanon
Type: Landscaping
Landscape architects: Green Studios
Architect/ID: Gatserelia Design
executed: March 2012The green skin consists of rectangular and square shaped green patches, each patch holding one variety of plants and separated by Cor-ten steel channels; each cor-ten channel is lit from below using LED lights.
Materials used in the project are stone, cor-ten steel, teak wood, glass and plants. The green wall is the biggest indoor installation in LEBANON to date.

from  architecturelab


Designed by JB FACTORY