*알메르 플로디아데, 원예 엑스포 [ MVRDV ] Floriade 2022

2022년 정원축제, 알메르 플로디아데에 여러분을 초대합니다.

10년마다 열리는 원예 엑스포인 플로디아데의 2022년은 암스테르담 배후지역에 위치한 생태도시

알메르에서 개최됩니다. 기존 알메르시가 지향하는 친자연은 원예 엑스포의 방향성과 부합되며

엑스포를 일회성의 이벤트가 아닌 도시개발의 커다란 축으로 포함시킵니다.

알메르 플로디아데는 반도형태의 45헥타르에 이르는 대지위에 각각의 정원을

퀼트와 같은 형태로 배치합니다. 테피스트리 정원으로 구성되는 각 블록은

각기 다른 식물군을 식재하여 마치 식물도서관과 같이 알파벳 순으로 분류됩니다.

여기 각 블록내에는 파빌리온 또는 오피스 아니면 또다른 형태의 온실정원을 계획하여

해당블록의 프로그램을 담습니다.- 또한 어떤 블록은 수직에코 시스템으로

식생이 다른 식물들을 연속적으로 적층 또는 배치하여 색다른 경험을 수직적으로

느낄 수도 있습니다.-

엑스포를 방문하는 방문객들은 자스민 호텔에 머무르며 백합호수에서 수영하고

장미로 만들어진 정찬을 즐길 수도 있습니다.

플로디아데와 알메르의 만남은 자연과 도시를 연속시키는 커다란 공간의 장으로

친자연적인 삶을 영유할 수 있는 그린어반으로 성장 할 것입니다.

reviewed by SJ

Dutch architects MVRDV have proposed extending the city of Almere into a lake by building a square-shaped artificial peninsula covered in gardens.

The 45 hectare extension is part of the Dutch city’s bid to host the World Horticultural Expo in 2022 and would host the six-month festival as well as providing land to build a new university plus offices, homes and leisure facilities.

Designs for the exhibition comprise a patchwork of gardens that the architects have called a “plant library” as well as a series of pavilions and greenhouses.

Once the expo is over, the green development would provide a permanent addition to the fast-developing city that was first established in 1976 on the outskirts of Amsterdam.

“We dream of making green cities,” says Winy Maas of MVRDV. “A city that is literally green as well as ecological. A city that produces food and energy, cleans its own water, recycles waste and holds a great biodiversity.”

The City of Almere presents its plans for the Floriade 2022 candidature. Almere is one of the four Dutch cities left in the race for the prestigious horticultural Expo which takes place once every ten years in the Netherlands and is currently open in Venlo. The MVRDV plan for Almere is not a temporary expo site but a lasting green Cité Idéale as a green extension of the existing city centre. The waterfront site opposite the city centre will be developed as vibrant new urban neighbourhood and giant plant library which will remain after the expo. The ambition is to create a 300% greener exhibition than currently standard, both literally green and sustainable: each program on the site will be combined with plants which will create programmatic surprises, innovation and ecology. The site with a vast program such as a university, hotel, marina, offices and homes will at the same time be more urban than any other Floriade has been before, literally constructing the green city. The Nederlandse Tuinbouwraad (NTR) will decide in October which city will be organising the next Floriade in 2022.

Amsterdam’s metropolitan area stands at the verge of a large housing growth. With 60.000 new homes the city of Almere will realise the largest share of this new development. Almere has the ambition to combine the urban growth with improved quality for its citizens. MVRDV proposes the ‘green’ extension of Almere city centre opposite the existing centre, transforming the lake into a central lake and connecting the various neighbourhoods of the Dutch new town. The plan foresees a dense exemplary and green city centre extension which at the same time is very flexible: an invitation to the Floriade organiser NTR to develop the plan further.

Winy Maas discusses the plan: “We dream of making green cities. City that is literally green as well as ecological. A city that produces food and energy, cleans its own water, recycles waste and holds a great biodiversity. A city which might even be autarkic: A symbiotic world of people, plants and animals. Can this symbiosis between city and countryside offer essential argumentation to the global concerns regarding urbanisation and consumption? Can we realise in the next ten years an exemplary ‘green’ city which realises this synthesis? And could this city be the Floriade 2022?”

Almere Floriade will be developed as a tapestry of gardens on a 45ha square shaped peninsula. Each block will be devoted to different plants, a plant library with perhaps an alphabetical order. The blocks are also devoted to program, from pavilions to homes, offices and even a university which will be organised as a stacked botanical garden, a vertical eco-system in which each class room will have a different climate to grow certain plants. Visitors will be able to stay in a jasmine hotel, swim in a lily pond and dine in a rosary. The city will offer homes in orchards, offices with planted interiors and bamboo parks. The Expo and new city centre will be a place that produces food and energy, a green urban district which shows in great detail how plants enrich every aspect of daily life.

MVRDV earlier developed the Almere 2030 masterplan and the radical DIY urbanism plan for Almere Oosterwold, and has engaged in vast research concerning urban farming, urban density and many aspects of modern agriculture. In 2000, MVRDV realised the Netherlands pavilion at the Hanover World Expo. Almere is one of four remaining candidate cities besides Amsterdam, Groningen and Boscoop region. In October the winning scheme and city will be announced by the NTR.

Program (selection): 45ha city centre extension with panorama tower, green housing exhibition (22.000m2/115 homes) hotel (30.000m2), university (10.000m2), conference centre (12.000m2) various expo pavilions (25.000m2) smart green house (4.000m2), care home (3.000m2), childrens expo, marina, forest, open air theatre, camping and other facilities (25.000m2).

from  dezeen


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