*제네바에 위치한 적십자 로지틱스 센터 [ Group 8 ] International Committee of the Red Cross Logistics Complex

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균형있는 조형미가 좋은 인상을 주는 프로젝트 입니다.

reviewed by SJ

A new logistics centre in Geneva is home to a storage hall, transport centre, archives and offices of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

Spanning 11500-sq-m, the building’s skin is made of a white canvas material that’s surprisingly durable. It’s also symbolic of the ICRC’s fieldwork, as the organization’s trucks – which deliver food and medical materials – are covered with white canvas. The colour also represents the idea of neutrality, which is the ICRC’s vocation.

‘The canvas façade creates an interior landscape that stands out in sharp contrast to the industrial character of the neighbourhood,’ say Group 8's architects.

Inside, a large logistics complex has ample storage spaces for pharmaceuticals and other goods the ICRC delivers. Linked to this complex are the offices and meeting rooms. Meanwhile, the archives were built following strict standards of construction in terms of operation and climate control.

from  frameweb


Designed by JB FACTORY