*리사이클 퍼니쳐, 가든 암체어 [ Dedon ] Recycled Material Garden Armchair

재활용재료를 이용한 리사이클 퍼니쳐가 아름답지 않다는 편견은

버려도 됩니다. 다라 암체어는 여러분의 정원 한 곳에 자리 잡으며

전체 아웃도어 스페이스를 컬러풀한 색감과 스타일리쉬한 디자인으로

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인체에 무해한 재료는 100% 재활용된 재료를 사용하여 환경과 디자인의 두마리

토끼를 잡습니다.

reviewed by SJ

When it comes to garden armchairs made of recycled materials, the Dala Chair by Dedon, is on the top of our list. We love the Dala Chair for so many reasons. Its colorful, it has a unique shape, it brings a casual designer look to your garden space and it's environmentally friendly. Dedon is not only the name of this fabulous outdoor brand but also the name of the special fiber they developed to make their furniture. This material is sustainably produced, completely non toxic and 100% recyclable. If we are looking for stylish furniture to encourage use of and enhance our outdoor spaces, it only makes sense that it should be environmentally friendly, right? Learn more about this recycled material armchair and the admirable family run company behind it at Dedon.

from  trendir


Designed by JB FACTORY