*자연을 닮은 모던한 욕조 시리즈 Bathtubs with a View of Nature

욕실은 단순히 몸을 세신하기 위한 장소는 아닙니다.

가장 편안한 휴식을 취할 수 있는 장소입니다. 따뜻한 욕조 안에서의

몸을 담그고 하루를 피로를 푸는 상상만으로도 행복하네요.

The bathroom has become a room that is not just for bathing, but is a place for relaxation, reflection, peace and quiet, so what better way to feel calm wash over you then to surround yourself with natures green beauty? Natural greenery promotes a sense of wellbeing, and there are several ways in which you can play on the look…

from  home-designing


Designed by JB FACTORY