*아이텐티 공동주거 입면계획 [ Beckmann-N’Thepe Architects ] Evry’s project

프로젝트는 도심내 아이텐티를 가지는 공동주택을 만드는데 있습니다.

건축법규에 따라 형성되는 건축물의 셋백과 테라스는 자연스럽게 도심 속

건축물의 아이텐티를 정의하는 도구로써 오프닝계획과 더불어 함계 활용됩니다.

법과 프로그램의 조닝 속에 건축물은 리드믹컬하는 입면을 갖는

볼륨을 형성하게 되며 작게는 인접한 건물과 랜드스케이프, 크게는

도시와의 관계를 갖게 됩니다.

reviewed by SJ

This project is part of the scheme to reconsider urban identity in the Centre Urbain, the new neighbourhood that is the emblem of the future Evry. Rows, set back buildings, an interplay of terraces, and “urban windows” create an openness towards the heart of the small island.

The heart of the development is a landscaped private garden that unifies the architecture. Designed to be in dialogue with the two other buildings on the lot, the project is resolutely contemporary in its response.The facades of the three buildings form a graphic composition that is unified and generous. A style affirms itself: inertia. The rhythms of the austere openings create a graphic interplay outlined in colour.

The apartment interiors respond to specific compositions, both near and far, drawing the eye towards the landscaping and the emblems of the town, particularly Evry Cathedral. Refusing to be constrained by stylistic archetypes, the buildings embody a new urbanism, environmentally and socially friendly, a quest for quality in response to new ways of living.

from plusmood


Designed by JB FACTORY