*나무로 부터 시작된 멀티 캔틸레버 스페이스, 제약 연구센터 [ CDRD ] UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

제약연구소 센터의 인상적인 외형은 나무로 부터 얻은 영감에서 시작됩니다.

캠퍼스로 진입하는 어프로치의 또다른 관문으로써 제약연구소 센터의 상징성과

내부의 다양한 연구프로그램을 지원하는 공간적 필요성은 다음과 같은 리드믹컬한

파사드를 갖는 건축물로 디자인 됩니다.

지면으로 부터 하늘로 향해 뻗어나가는 나무줄기처럼 각 공간들은 각각의 프로그램으로

분기해 나가면서 다양한 공간으로, 풍부한 볼륨으로 풍성한 나무처럼

다양한 캔틸레버 스페이스로 구체화 됩니다.

-여기 캔틸레버 스페이스에는 연구와 교육을 지원하는 공간과

아이디어를 발전시키기 위하여 다양한 커뮤니티를 이루는 퍼블릭, 프라빗

스페이스가 크리에이티브 영역으로 구성됩니다.-

이러한 오가닉 네트워크는 건축을 구성하는 지오메트릭 폼으로 구현되어

캠퍼스의 관문으로 제약연구센터의 연구시설로 파워풀하며 생동감 있는

랜드마크로 정의됩니다.

reviewed by SJ

The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Centre for Drug Research and Development is sited on the corner of Wesbrook Mall and Agronomy Road, in the Heart of UBC’s campus. The site consists of a 20 240 square metre parcel of land that is located at an important university entry point. With this in mind the building has been designed to act as a gateway to the southeast edge of the campus, engaging the community with a ground floor that will be open, transparent, inviting, and one that will showcase the public function. Nearby developments include University Endowment Lands/UBC residential communities on the East of Wesbrook, the Life Sciences Building to the North of Agronomy Road and “Agronomy knoll” open space to the west. This open space terminates the mid-block greenway that connects the southern part of campus, through UBC athletic facilities, to the Health Science Precinct.

The design reflects UBC’s world-class pharmaceutical science researchers, faculty, and the University’s status as an internationally recognized institution in scientific endeavors. Since architecture can, perhaps more than ever, give an international presence to particular schools and departments within universities, the design itself can play a significant role in attracting and retaining the best in the scientific community from around the world.

The initial concept stems from the idea of a tree, whose branch system creates a canopy floating above the ground level. As this organic network is abstracted, it is subsequently given tectonic manifestation, and the architecture takes on a more geometric form. The striking design promotes enjoyable, livable spaces for research and learning, creating public and private spaces for the exchange of ideas. Also housing the University’s Centre for Drug Research and Development, the project takes into consideration the future needs of the Pharmaceutical program. A vibrant node for science on the campus, the state-of-the-art building is intended to promote creativity and new methods for individual and collaborative research and to represent the academic and scientific excellence for which UBC has become renowned.

Incorporated into ground level is an exhibition space containing vitrines, which can be navigated fluidly by occupant and visitors. This zone is designed to convey the history of medicine and the profession, and can be a space of encounter for faculty, researchers, students, and the public.

from  archello


Designed by JB FACTORY