*그루지아 천혜의 자연과 동화되다, 룸스 호텔 The Rooms Hotel in Kazbegi, Georgia

건축이 할 수 있는 디자인의 최고는 무엇일까요? 그것은 최대한 자연과 닮아가는 것입니다.

그루지아 카즈베기 아름다운 풍경 속에 자리 잡은 룸스 호텔은 조금은 이국적인 건축으로,

조금은 자연과 대조적인 건축으로 자연과 동화되는 공간을 만들어 냅니다.

전형적인 소비에트 연방의 관광센터와 같은 외형은 주위자연환경과 대조를 이루는

인공적인 선들의 집합을 보여줍니다. 이것은 호텔의 각 객실로 부터 외부로 돌출된 발코니를

구분짓는 메탈 파티션으로 호텔 파사드 이미지를 결정짓는 주요한 디자인 요소로 사용되어

호텔의 외형적 특징인 심플함과 기하학적인 볼륨을 정의합니다.

이러한 심플하며 반복적인 패턴 속 건축은 자연을 닮아 가며 자연 속으로 동기화 되기 시작합니다.

-호텔을 구성하는 주요한 외장재인 나무를 이용하여 자연의 형태와 톤을 동기화 시킵니다.

규칙적인 그리드 형태는 자연속 숲을 나타내는 하나의 단편으로 동기화 됩니다.-

일련의 동기화 과정을 마친 호텔은 풍부한 자연환경 속에 또 하나의 자연으로써

이곳을 찾는 관광객, 투숙객들에게 또다른 안식처로 제공되어 집니다.

reviewed by SJ

There are certain idyllic locations around the world that simply remain as an ideal of a dream to visit in person and see these wonders up close. However, the beauty of architecture & design is that they sometimes make the visit closer to reality with the creation of one more reason to entice you to realize your dream. One such realization is the Rooms Hotel located in the magical Caucasus Mountains in Kazbegi, Georgia.

The complete creation of this hotel was achieved by Georgian Designers Nata Janberidze & Keti Toloraia. Founders of their company Rooms in 2003 which specialize in Interior and Product Design, they took the decision to mark their identity with this spectacular addition to their brand.  This year the hotel opened its doors and put the Caucasus Mountains on the map for a completely new audience.

Looking at this former soviet Tourist Center’s building exterior structure and cladding, it is obvious that it has been designed based on the surrounding environment. If you observe the exterior from a distance, at a particular angle, you read the mountaintops as the building’s roof design. The façade is decorated with wood & metal partitions dividing the rooms and balconies while creating vertical and horizontal lines, which give the entire building a simple, geometric look. The exact same concept is perceived in the tones and the shapes of the structure. These features both organically compliment the great outdoors and we can dare say that this building adds to the beauty of the landscape. The presence of the specific wood finish on such a green environment is breathtakingly dynamic and inviting. The effect of a mountain lodge in a mod structure is perceived with great success.

Indoors, the portrayal of this ideology was of equal importance. The use of natural materials in the interior retains the 'mountain hotel' style environment, providing maximum comfort where guests feel the complete leisure and relaxation of the surroundings.  Large open spaces decorated with lounging sofas, armchairs, bookshelves, carpets and mountain accessories while taking advantage of the great views by the large glazing’s, is all that you need for a recipe of success.  The sole materials used are wood, steel & brick retaining a continuity and simplicity throughout the interior and giving focus to detailing as opposed to finishes. A design philosophy which you know that we strongly believe in.

Simply put, the Rooms Hotel is not just a destination, it is a successful determination.

from  yatzer


Designed by JB FACTORY