*키즈 퍼니쳐 vs 오피스 퍼니쳐 [ Lagranja Design ] Fun Color Furniture

다양한 컬러와 형태는 더이상 아이들만의 전유물이 아닙니다.

귀여운 형태와 파스텔 컬러의 조합은 오피스 분위기를 업해주길 충분한

컨셉을 갖고 있습니다. 밝은 노랑, 오렌지, 그린, 블루 총 4가지 컬러로..

Fun furniture for the home needn't be reserved for the kids' play room. The new Midi Colors furniture collection from Spain-based Lagranja Design proves that pops of color and simple forms can provide an inspiring, amusing aesthetic for any home or office space. This modern line of tables, cabinets and shelves boasts basic "stick figure-esque" silhouettes that complement their bold palette of bright yellow, orange, green, blue and more, accented by natural wood toned elements, like tabletops. And functionally speaking, these pieces offer awesome storage and worktops when you need to get down to business. Supremely sturdy and subtly sophisticated, this cool, contemporary furniture line makes a great addition to the home office or corporate space, living or dining area, hobby room and yes - even in a play room. Check out the new Midi Colors furniture collection by visiting Lagranja Design.

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Designed by JB FACTORY