*알루미늄 버티컬 루버 주차 타워 [ WRNS Studio ] UCSF Mission Bay Medical Center Parking Structure

최근 샌프란시스코에 메디컬 센터를 위한 주차타워가 신축되었습니다.

627대를 동시 주차 할 수 있는 10층 높이의 주차타워는 이곳 메디컬센터를 찾는

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reviewed by SJ

In San Francisco, WRNS Studio has recently completed a new 10-story parking structure for the UC San Francisco Mission Bay Medical Center.

The UCSF Medical Center parking structure is a 10-story, 627-vehicle capacity garage located on the western edge of the new UCSF Mission Bay Medical Center site. Designed for hospital visitors, the parking structure creates an efficient and comfortable experience for pedestrians, bicycles, and vehicles, and blends well with the look and feel of the medical center buildings. As called for in the Mission Bay master plan, the structure will eventually be surrounded by other, taller buildings, but until then, it will be highly visible for years from the freeway and from residences on nearby Potrero Hill. As a result, the design needed to address both current and future conditions.

Architect: WRNS Studio
Project Team
: Sam Nunes, Kyle Elliott, Claire Axley, Ed Kim, Li Kuo, Mette Shenker, Drew Hastings
Location: Mission Bay District, San Francisco, California
Client: University of California, San Francisco
Date of occupancy: July 2012
Gross square footage: 223,602 sf
Site area: 35,000 sf
Construction cost: $15.52m (total), 14.62 m (construction)
Contractor: Rudolph and Sletten Inc
Richard C. Hubble (Specifications), Sherwood Engineers (Civil Engineering),
Merrill Morris Partners (Landscape Architecture), Walker Parking
Consultants (Structural Engineering), KEMA Services, Inc. (Commissioning)
Key materials (type/brand):
Cast in place concrete
Champagne anodized bronze aluminum louver blades (Zahner)
Painted perforated panels (Zahner)
Software used:  Autocad
Photographer creditTim Griffith

The upper levels of the structure are shrouded with a custom anodized aluminum louver system in warm earth tones. The vertical louvers change orientation from panel to panel, creating a quilted pattern through play with light and shadow.  The varied spacing and orientation facilitate natural ventilation and control light spill from the garage at night in order to reduce the visual impact on neighbors. The louvers are also shaped to bounce daylight into the structure. Vertical fins define two-story view apertures and modulate between the pedestrian scale and the garage’s large volume.

Elevator waiting areas are strategically placed to frame views of the outdoors, and the elevator shafts are clad in white ceramic tile. At the base of the building, a secure and open pedestrian zone is enhanced with cement plaster soffits, a painted white concrete frame, extensive lighting, white perforated metal panels, street trees, and plantings.

from  plusmood


Designed by JB FACTORY