*시카고 대학에 위치한 로간 아트센터 랜드마크 타워 [ Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects ] Logan Center for the Arts, University of Chicago

시카고 대학내 로간아트센터는 창작과 관련된 오픈 스페이스를 학생들에게 제공합니다.

캠퍼스 남측 끝자락에 새로운 랜드마크로 탄생한 종합 아트센터는 연면적 18만 4천 스퀘어 풋 공간 안에

예술 창작에 관련된 다양한 프로그램을 담습니다. 시네마, 미디어 스튜디오, 창작실, 뮤직, 극장, 퍼포먼스 스튜디오,

비쥬얼 아트와 같은 다양실 실을 구비함으로써 학생들의 창작 욕구를 충족시킵니다.

이것은 시카고의 드넓은 목초지대와 거대한 타워의 수평과 수직을 모티브로 계획된

랜드마크 타워와 톱날형태의 지붕으로 계획된 포디움으로 구성됩니다.

먼저 170풋 높이의 타워하우스는 퍼포먼스 펜트 하우스, 스크닝룸, 옥상 정원, 강의실, 리허설 룸,

그리고 퍼포먼스 랩으로 이루어진 독립적이며 개별적인 공간으로 구성,

여기에 3개층으로 이루어진 포디움은 스튜디오 스페이스, 뮤직 연습실, 워크샵, 카페, 디지털 미디어센터,

제작 및 수정도구실, 여기에 두개의 극장과 474좌석을 갖고 있는 퍼포먼스 홀로 구성됩니다.

이와같이 아트센터는 다양한 창작과 예술활동을 학생들에게 지원함으로써,

미래의 예술가 집단을 양성하는 훈련소로 자리 매김 할 것 입니다.

reviewed by SJ

Tod Williams and Billie Tsien Architects’ highly anticipated multidisciplinary arts center has opened at the in . Serving as a landmark on the south end of campus, the 184,000 square foot Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts is the new home to UChicago’s academic and extracurricular programs in cinema and media studies, creative writing, music, theater and performance studies, and the visual arts.

Inspired by the “flat prairies of the Midwest and the great towers of Chicago”, the new arts hub is comprised of a light-filled glass and stone tower and a three-story “podium” with a saw-tooth roof. The 170-foot tower houses a performance penthouse, screening room, rooftop deck, classrooms, rehearsal rooms, and performance labs, while the podium features studio space, music practice rooms, workshops, a café, a digital media center, production and editing labs, two theaters, and a 474-seat performance hall.

The University is pursuing LEED Silver Certification for the Logan Center, as the design features regionally sourced materials, a “green roof,” and solar panels.

Architects: Tod Williams and Billie Tsien Architects (New York)
Associate Architect: Holabird & Root (Chicago)
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Client: The University of Chicago
Site Area: 150,000 sqft
Building Area: 184,000 sqft
Building Footprint: 50,000 sqft
Height: 170 ft (11-story)

Acoustical, A/V Design: Kirkegaard Associates
MEP Engineer: Ambrosino, DePinto, and Schmeider
Structural Engineers: Severud Associates
Lighting Design: Renfro Design Group
Landscape Architect: Hargreaves Associates
Civil Engineer: David Mason & Associates
Theater Consultant: Schuler Shook Theater Planners
Film Projection Consultant: Full Aperture Systems
Construction Manager: Turner Construction
LEED Consultant: Steven Winter Associates
Façade Consultant: Axis Group Limited
Elevator Consultant: Van Deusen & Associates

Tod Williams and Billie Tsien: “The idea of the long, low, skylit building of studios and theaters, and the tower of the arts came from imagining the flat prairies of the Midwest and the great towers of Chicago. The quiet low “plains” building will provide three floors of beautifully lit studios, a gallery, music practice rooms and theaters that are spatial surprises. The presence of the tower on the south side of the Midway announces a new home for the creative life of students and faculty and a public venue for residents of the city.”

“We have put cinema, dance, performance, ensemble spaces of music, and classrooms on different floors and connected these programs with generous elevators and dramatic stairways. Details such as custom made tiles and felt paneled walls attest to the importance of the creative act. Moving from floor to floor, students, faculty, and residents of Chicago will discover communal places to gather and secret places to be alone.”

“The Logan Center is made to be explored and discovered over time. In doing so this building will be for all who use the Logan Center a place where arts overlap and friendships are formed and the exhilarating and the unimagined happen.”

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY