*서킷 오브 아메리카, 전망 타워 [ Miró Rivera Architects ] Circuit of The Americas

서킷 오브 아메리카, 그 장대한 서막이 시작됩니다.

거대한 높이와 인상적인 뷰를 자랑하는 전망 타워에서 다이나믹한 곡선미가 느껴지는 그랜드 플라자까지,

미국 포뮬라 에프 원 그랑프리 경기장이 그 거대한 위용을 드러냅니다.

다이나믹, 화려하며 정확함? 레이싱카의 터프하면서도 다이나믹한 퍼포먼스를

컨셉으로 디자인한 경기장은 그랜드 플라자와 6천 5백석 규모의 원형극장 그리고 그랜드 스탠드

거기에 76미터 높이의 전망타워로 이루어 집니다.-기타 유틸리티와 티케팅 박스, 트랙을 가로 질러가는

두개의 브릿지도 포함됩니다.- 각 건축요소들은 저마다 개성 있는 성격으로 짝을 이루면 디자인 됩니다.

그중에서도 전망타워는 주위의 시선을 빨아 들이는 인상깊은 조형미로

레이싱카의 테일 램프 라이트로 부터 유추된 이미지를 연상시키는 길고 아름다운 레드 컬러의 곡선 라인이

매운 인상적인 이미지를 만들어 냅니다. 거기에 하이스피드 엘레베이터와 계단실은 두개의 백색 수직공간으로

전망타워를 채우며 디자인의 아이텐티를 정의합니다.

reviewed by SJ

From an Observation Tower to a Grand Plaza, the Austin-based practice has designed a set of striking buildings for the first purpose-built Formula 1 Grand Prix facility in the United States

Austin-based Miró Rivera Architects have designed a set of striking buildings at the Circuit of The Americas, the first purpose-built Formula 1 Grand Prix facility in the United States, which hosted its first event last November.

Seeking to evoke the precision, dynamism and performance-driven design of racecars, the architects have designed a Grand Plaza, a 6,500-seat Tower Amphitheater, a Main Grandstand, a 76 metre-high Observation Tower, ticketing buildings, concession areas and two bridges over the track. In all the buildings, the architects have determined the structural systems be articulated and become significant parts of the design. Similarly, all the volumes feature a prevalent use of red steel tubes, cascading down the side of the Observation Tower to form a canopy for the Amphitheater stage and also frame the Main Grandstand.

Inspired by the image of red streaks of glowing light from racecar tails, the Observation Tower offers sweeping views of the surroundings. Built from steel, it is composed of a white shaft with two sets of stairs wrapping around a high-speed elevator. The Main Grandstand is located in front of the start and finish lines, providing seating to over 9,000 spectators on three levels.

At the heart of the circuit complex lies the Grand Plaza, featuring a reflecting pool and varying landscape zones that enclose the space and define unique areas of activity. The Main Grandstand and the concessions buildings in the Grand Plaza were conceived as a modular system consisting of several components that can be arranged according to need. The concessions, with banners and deep canopies, can be expanded with restrooms, permanent seating or suites. Inherent to this "kit-of-parts" construction system is flexibility allowing the site to grow and change.

Also located in the Grand Plaza, the Tower Amphitheater, to be completed in spring 2013, will be the largest outdoor amphitheater in Central Texas. With a total spectator capability of 15,000 people, its design is based on classical Greek and Roman amphitheaters, and it will be used for large-scale music and entertainment events.

from  domusweb


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