*접이식 의자의 또다른 변신은 무죄? [ Pilot///Wave ] L22 chair

아메리칸 스튜디오 필롯//웨이브의 최신작 폴딩체어는 비사용시 벽의 언듈레이션 라인을 따라

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30미터 벽에 수직으로 60개의 의자를 거치하게 됩니다. 특히 이러한 유니크한 수납방법은

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가구와 설치물의 경계물을 넘나드는 폴딩체어 시스템은 식당, 리테일, 이벤트 스페이스 등의

공간에 다양하게 활용 될 것입니다.

reviewed by SJ

These collapsible chairs by American design studio Pilot///Wave hang on the wall in an undulating line when they're not in use

Pilot///Wave designers Matthew Burke and Kyle Kennedy, who are based in Portland, Oregon, came up with the L22 chairs for libLAB Taipei, a book shop and event space in Taiwan's capital city.

Designed to take up as little space as possible when stored away, the 60 chairs hang perpendicular to a 30-metre wall on special brackets.

"The unique storage system also serves as an art installation when the chairs are not in use," say the designers. "The chairs appear as though they are dancing along a gentle curve."

Each chair, made of birch plywood and aluminium, unfolds loosely and is fixed in place by slotting its back legs into its square base.

We were asked by libLAB Taipei to design and fabricate 60 chairs for the L22 event space.

Because libLAB is a space for story telling [through food, retail, and events] we wanted to create not just a group of chairs, but an installation that was a story in itself in three parts.

Spatial restrictions meant that the chairs needed to be collapsible when not in use and take up as little room as possible along a 30M wall.

Through rigorous prototyping we developed a solution that allowed the chairs to unfold and be stored hanging along the wall, allowing the chairs to appear as though they are dancing along a gentle curve.

The wall mounting brackets provide the third piece of the story. As the chairs are removed from the wall, the brackets reveal themselves in staccato rhythm and add a sinewy decoration to the room.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY