*라이트 파빌리온 [ Lebbeus Woods with Christoph a. Kumpusch ] The Light Pavilion

미래의 공간을 경험한다.

건축가 스티븐 홀이 디자인한 이노베이션 멀티플렉스 타워에 위치한 라이트 파빌리온은

미래의 공간에 대한 새로운 모범대안을 제시한다. 심플하며 강렬한 선형구조는

사선 글래스와 스틸 계단으로 따라 연속된 사선기둥으로 연속된 시퀀스를 만들어 내며

이곳을 방문하는 방문자, 보행자에게 흐름에 따른 다양한 무브먼트 스페이스를 선사하게 된다.

이러한 복합 네트워크 구조는 보행자로 하여금 한방향의 길만을 인도하는 것이 아닌

다양한 갈림길을 선택적으로 제안함으로써 보행 중 만나게 되는 발코니, 오픈 스페이스에서

청두시에 담긴 도시정원 조경과 연못을 조망 할 수 있는 뷰포인트를 형성한다.

역동적인 공간감, 정적인 공간은 어느새 동적이며 유동적인 흐름으로 변화된다.

reviewed by SJ

Too much could be made of the fact that the Light Pavilion is Lebbeus Woods' first and, sadly, last "built" work as if building was valued over drawing or thinking. This project, from my perspective, was an extension of drawing, a condensation of thoughts as a material manifestation. Pouring over construction documents with Lebbeus again and again, I can safely say that the ideas did not stop when the building process began. Rather, the demands of a "real project" triggered more conceptualization.

The Light Pavilion is designed to be an experimental space, one that gives us the opportunity to experience a type of space we haven't experienced before. Whether it will be a pleasant or unpleasant experience; exciting or dull; uplifting or frightening; inspiring or depressing; worthwhile or a waste of time, it is not determined by the fulfillment of our familiar expectations, never having encountered such a space before. We shall simply have to go into the space and pass through it. That is the most crucial aspect of its experimental nature, and we - its transient inhabitants - are experimentalists.

Located within an innovative mixed-use complex of towers designed by Steven Holl Architects, the Light Pavilion offers visitors the opportunity to explore a prototypical space of the future. Visitors walk up and through a complex network of luminous spaces that are ephemeral, evocative and changing. Following sloping glass and steel stairs suspended between glowing structural columns, visitors ascend by several possible paths to balconies overlooking pools and landscaped gardens in the plaza below while framing views of the city of Chengdu beyond. The elements defining it do not always follow the rectilinear geometry of its architectural setting, but instead obey a geometry defined by dynamic movement. Their deviation from the rectilinear grid releases its spaces from static stability and sets them in motion. The structural columns articulating the Pavilion's interior spaces are illuminated from within and visibly glow at night, creating a luminous space into which the solid architectural elements appear to merge.

From distances across the city, the Pavilion is a beacon of light. The structure radiates subtly changing colors for different holidays and times of day, months and years. The space has been designed to expand the scope and depth of our experiences. That is its sole purpose, its only function, encouraging us to encounter new dimensions of experience.

I prefer to see this not as a stand-alone built work, but merely the last leaf of a stunning portfolio and a culmination of so many dreams.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY