*라이트하우스 영피플 센터 [ Associated Architects ] The Lighthouse Young People’s Centre

버밍햄에 위치한 더라이트하우스 영 피플 센터는 도시 재정비 사업의 일환 중 하나로

지역 주민들의 공용 공간 확보와 커뮤니티 증대를 위해 계획되었다.

13세~19세 청소년들을 위한 커뮤니티 센터는 정부와 지자체의 협업을 통한 다양한

그룹 활동을 지원하며 퍼블릭과 플렉시블한 공간 구성을 디자인 목표로 설정한다.

저층부에 위치한 그룹미팅룸, 아이티룸, 소셜 구역, 카페 앤 상담실은

상층부에 위치한 스포츠 시설과 레크레이션 및 뮤직 스페이스와 호흡을 맞추며

지역 청소년들의 커뮤니티를 보장한다.

-4 코트 스포츠로 이루어진 스포츠홀은 퍼포먼스와 컨퍼런스 그리고 댄싱스튜디오 및

탈의실이 통합된 스포츠 구역으로 구성되며 뮤직룸은 레코딩 스튜디오와 비즈니스 엔터테이먼트 유닛을

포함하는 구성체로 조합된다.-

특히 주간과 야간에 조금은 다른 비쥬얼을 보여주는 센터의 파사드 디자인은

도시공간내 주요한 줄거리가 내재된 대지의 특성을 잘 반영하는 인상 깊은 시퀀스로 디자인 된다.

파사드를 구성하는 컬러풀한 반투명 플라스틱은 주간에는 스포츠홀로 외부 빛을 유입시켜 내부

환경을 일정하게 유지시키는 것 뿐만 아니라 야간시에는 LED조명과 내부에서

발산하는 빛을 이용한 발광하는 라이트하우스로의 변신을 가능케 한다.

이러한 역동적인 시퀀스를 커뮤니티의 상징적 의미를 직간접적으로 표현하는 중요한

수단으로 활용된다.

reviewed by SJ

The Lighthouse Young People’s Centre in Birmingham has officially opened its doors, marking a step forward in the regeneration of the Newtown area of the City, under Birmingham City Council’s Newtown Masterplan. The new facility for 13 to 19 year olds, was designed by for Birmingham Youth Service, and will serve the communities of Aston, Lozells and Newtown.

Birmingham Youth Service secured funding from the multi-million pound government myplace programme, to develop and deliver a series of world class youth facilities for young people in disadvantaged areas of Birmingham.

Architects: Associated Architects
Location: , UK
Area: 1,930 sqm
Photographs: David Holmes

Contractor : GF Tomlinson
Mechanical & Electrical Engineer: Halligan Associates
Structural Engineer: Shire Consulting
Quantity Surveyor: Turner & Townsend
Project Manager: Turner & Townsend

The myplace programme has been promoted by a cross-sector consortium of community organisations working in partnership with Birmingham Youth Service to promote youth collaboration to overcome local boundaries, celebrate diversity, challenge gang affiliation,  and local conflicts in their community.

The building comprises a combination of readily accessible ‘public’ informal and flexible spaces; group meeting rooms, IT rooms, social areas, café and advice centre, at Ground level. More specialist and cellular accommodation is located on the upper floors, including a 4-court sports hall incorporating performance and conference uses, dance studio, changing facilities, music rooms including a recording studio and business enterprise units.

Members of the local youth community were extensively consulted and involved throughout the scheme design process through workshops and visits to building precedents throughout the UK.

The site has a strong visual presence in the local area, overlooking a major route into Birmingham city centre. The use of semi-transparent coloured cladding allows the sports hall to be naturally lit in the day and to provide a strong dynamic presence in the area.  In the evening, the use of artificial lighting and feature LED lighting allows The Lighthouse to become the ‘beacon’ within the community.

Architect Rav Kumar said “The Lighthouse is visioned as an iconic landmark within the community; beacon for all young people that provides modern, high quality facilities in a safe and inclusive and open environment.”

Soulla Yiasouma, Deputy Head of Youth Service said “The new Lighthouse facility has the potential to make a significant impact on our work with young people in Aston, Lozells and Newtown.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY