*에어백 쇼파 [ jean-marie massaud ] airberg sofa for offecct

유연한 형태와 기능적인 조화는 쇼파 디자인을 하는 첫번째 조건이다.

그러면서도 아이텐티함을 갖는 것은 디자이너가 객체를 바라보는 진정한 시선이 아닐까?

both 'airberg' sofa and chair consist of a structural case which give the overall impression of being inflated with air, but in reality is filled with a flexible padding material. it is the outcome of jean-marie massaud's desire to break the conventions of what typical seating objects look - to develop comfortable piece of furniture whose form suggests that of an 'air-filled' iceberg. still in the prototyping phase and not yet ready for production, the french designer collaborated with swedish manufacturer offecct on the project. the first result to come out of the brand's 'offecct lab' - an initiative designed to concentrate on the brand's efforts in the development of new solutions and products - the deconstruction of 'airberg' is defined by its asymmetry and craftsmanship.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY