*주름파사드, 아코디언 패턴 파사드 웨딩플라자 [ Hironaka Ogawa ] Pleats.M

이번 프로젝트는 한적한 교외지역에 웨딩공간을 확보하기 위해 진행된다.

새롭게 런칭되는 웨딩브랜드에 요구되는 창의적인 디자인 그리고 향후

브랜드 디자인으로써 아이텐티를 확립 할 수 있는 지속적인 디자인을

제안한다. 이러한 프로젝트의 시작은 새로운 컨셉을 투영시킬 유니크한 대지위를

찾는 것에서 시작한다. 전통적이며 일반적인 웨딩시설에서는 적용하기 힘든

길쭉하며 불규칙적인 형태의 대지는 프로젝트에 유니크하며 아이텐티한 환경을

불어 넣는다. 건추주의 요구에 따라 최대 용적을 채우기 위한 건축은

외벽면을 전면도도로 최대한 밀착시키며 이번 프로젝트의 디자인을 정의하는

주름패턴 파사드를 생성한다.

이러한 주름패턴 파사드는 건축물의 데코레이션이며 구조체 역활로

그 특유의 주름패턴과 태양에 의해 생성되는 그림자의 다양한 음영을

통해 정적인 공간에서 동적인 공간으로 변화하는 다양성을 구체적인 건축에 풀어 넣는다.

reviewed by SJ

This is a project for a wedding facility located by a suburban road. The client desired to launch a fresh wedding brand and requested me to create a design that will be repeatable in their following developments.

Also, the client desired a new concept for their facility that reflected their unique site. Ordinary and traditional suburban wedding facilities would not use sites as narrow and irregularly shaped as this one.

First of all, I shut the noise from the heavy traffic on the national road by creating a totally closed façade which dramatizes the extraordinary. In order to construct a building of the maximum building-to-land ratio on the irregular-shape site as well as to render gorgeousness as a wedding facility, I introduced the idea of pleated walls. The uniquely pleated walls serve as both decorations and building structures.

In addition, the pleats make shadows that change slowly by the sun further creating various looks each season. The pleated wall has reversed pattern on its back counterpart. Therefore, even a single pleated wall shows different looks on its exterior and interior simultaneously. The interior space is introverted for the facility function. However, I wanted to link the interior to the exterior by the two important walls; one runs along the main access via the national road, and another runs along the approach from the municipal road.

By attaching the entrance hall, the mezzanine lounge, the chapel, the waiting room and restrooms to the two walls, I planned the pleated walls to be prominent from the inside as well. The pleats can fit into any shape by expanding and contracting. Therefore, the pleated wall is perfect for not only this project but also the future projects on undecided sites.

Considering these factors, I chose the brand name "Pleats" inspired by the architectural shape, and I incorporated the pleats motif on the fixtures, the furniture, and even accessories.

Pleats on clothing bring a unique richness by folding a large fabric. It is a very simple rule to fold. However, diverse folds host many functions such as structure, decorations, and sound reflectors. Thereby the pleated walls create various spaces for wedding ceremonies.

Function: wedding hall
Location: Saitama, Japan
Structure: steel frame
Site area: 1487.46 sqm
Architectural area: 1033.19 sqm
Total floor area: 1398.89 sqm

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Designed by JB FACTORY