* 다이나믹한 물결형상의 수직루버를 가진 공장 [ Crawford Architects ] Zahner Factory Expansion

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세계적인 건축금속업체인  Zahner사는 기존공장의 공간 확장과 

스스로 상품화 되고자 쇼케이스의 역할을 겸할 수 있는 리모델링을 원하였습니다. 

건물의 유니크함을 위해 금속산화 패턴에서 시작된 디자인의 영감은 물결 무늬의 영감에 더해지면서 

컴퓨터 알고리즘을 통해 아트와 기술이 만난 강력한 파사드를 구축했습니다.

 루버사이로 투명, 반투명으로 이루어진 창은 공장 실내 작업환경의 쾌적성을 높힘과 동시에 

그들의 작업을 보여주는 쇼케이스가 되게 합니다. 

루버 또한 원래의 역할과 함께 강력한 이미지를 부여하는 요소입니다. 

기본이겠지만 건축은 기능과 미를 동시에 추구해야만 완성도가 높다는 것을 다시금 느껴봅니다. 

실무를 하다보면 의도한 디자인에 부합되게 디테일이 풀어지는 경우가 힘듦을 알기에 

이 건물에서 느껴지는 디테일의 간결함에 감탄을 해 봅니다. (길가다 훈남을 보는 기분!^^)

reviewed by km

Zahner’s continuing success as one of the world’s foremost architectural metal manufacturers prompted the need for an expansion of their manufacturing facility at 8th and Paseo Blvd. in Kansas City, Missouri. The location for the expansion ties into the northern façade of a 30-year-old weathering steel clad facility and re-imagines a roughly paved concrete assembly yard surrounded by an unsightly chain link fence.

Architects: Crawford Architects
Location: , , USA
Project Year: 2011
Structural Engineer: Wallace Engineering
Mechanical Engineer: M.E. Group, Inc
Electrical Engineer: M.E. Group, Inc
Project Area: 6,200 sqf
Photographs: Courtesy of Crawford Architects

The design intent was to convert this underutilized area into a large column-free assembly space, with ample clear height to move material around on 2 large cranes, and make a seamless connection to the existing factory floor. Beyond pure utility, the facility sought to provide transparency, characterize where Zahner is headed in the future, and showcase their ability to produce highly engineered forms within.

Encapsulating these values means understanding that Zahner has built their reputation on knowing the intricacies of metal, its chemical properties, and how they can be manipulated. Following this notion through intensive design research, the form for the façade was derived from metal oxidation patterns inspired by those found on Zahner’s campus. The final graphite concept sketch drew inspiration from multiple patterns to create a form that was specific to the proportions and context of the expansion. Once the sketch was complete, a computer based algorithm converted the sketch’s tonal values into a 3-dimensional digital surface model of the façade. The resulting form grows out of the rigid, solid geometry of the existing building’s east façade with a single sweeping motion, and increases in complexity as it moves around the corner to the west, paying tribute to both Zahner’s past and future.

Articulation of the abstractly based model was closely developed with Zahner’s engineers and utilizes a variation of the ZEPP (Zahner Engineered Proprietary Panel) system. The system’s key components are vertically oriented DT* fins made from a half-circle shaped aluminum extrusion riveted to a water jet cut 3/16” aluminum plate. These fins are commonly used as a structural backup system behind many of Zahner’s organic façades with a skin applied to their surfaces. In this case the skin is left absent both exposing and expressing the structural skeleton beneath. Placement of the fins is every 24 inches on center with an Inverted Seam™ dry-set glass panel system in-between producing a structural curtain wall set on a cast-in-place concrete base. The glass panel system not only provides transparency between the shop’s activities and the surrounding neighborhood, but also provides idealistic northern light into the assembly space. This light combined with a large structural bay (43.5’ wide) and the configuration of 2 (5 ton) cranes has led to increased productivity and production.

The result is a dynamic, rippling surface that breathes new life into the surrounding urban environment and showcases Zahner’s ability to act as a bridge between art and science.


Designed by JB FACTORY