*도시 재정비 사업, 에코 어반 프로젝트 [ Atelier Dreiseitl ] Arkadien WinnendeN

도시를 바꾸다. Arkadien Winnenden 도시 재개발 프로젝트는 밀집된 산업으로

인하여 황폐해진 도시환경을 되살리는 에코 프로젝트로 다양한 친환경 요소가 접목된다.

지중해 산토리니를 연상시키는 파스텔톤의 다양한 컬러톤 하우스와

거리정원을 모토로 재구성되는 가로환경은 도시를 가로 지르는 강과 함께

도시에 새로운 활력을 불어 넣음으로써 새로운 어반 캐릭터를 형성한다.

여기 도시 도시 한구석에 비워 있던 공터는 어린이들의 즐거운 놀이공간으로,

가로환경은 보행자들의 안정적인 보행을 위한 보차분리와 랜드스케이프로

활성화 되면서 도시 전체를 조금씩 변화 시켜 나간다.

reviewed by SJ

Don’t be put off by the cuteness! Arkadien Winnenden is a hardcore industrial regeneration project. A diversity of high performance components make this the world’s most sustainable neighborhood and provides a fresh new vision for people-friendly and resource productive suburbs.

Mixed architectural typologies are kept a cohesive neighborhood thanks to the appealing Mediterranean colour concept and “garden city” quality of the streetscapes. Water sensitive urban design provides a distinctive urban character. Street corners are mini-plazas and places to chat with your neighbor or for kids to kick a ball. Although the streetscapes are distinctively pedestrian, a shared circulation concept means that the site is fully accessible for vehicles, with parking options in an underground garage, carports, and parking spots neatly tucked away between gardens on the unique load-bearing planting substrate. The unit density is softened through the presence of nature in the form of generous planting, the stunning lake at the heart of the development and the restored adjacent creek with a recreational path and play areas integrated into retention meadows.

Winnenden is a non-descript town with little going for it except its proximity to Stuttgart. When an industrial site became available, Atelier Dreiseitl teamed up with a group of architects to create and implement a new vision for urban living adapted to the climate and resource challenges of our time.

Sensitive urban designing with rainwater as a vibrant feature underlies the total success of the development. As a result, the location has become desirable. The amazing neighborhood feeling is complimented by the practicality of the site being 5 minutes walk to both the train station and the town centre. A variety of architectural types, all of them low energy and built with sustainable materials, are nestled into friendly community streets, where the boundary between public and private is blurred creating neighborly and safe living environments.

The high density planning is uplifted through the refreshing presence of nature in the form of generous planting, the stunning lake, itself a stormwater retention feature, at the heart of the development and the restored adjacent creek with a recreational path and play areas integrated into retention meadows.

Landscape Architecture: Atelier Dreiseitl
Partner in Charge: Dieter Grau
Project Landscape Architect: Rudolf Mager
Project Engineer: Stefan Brückmann
Project Team: Angela Soler, Dietmar Schellinger, Gustavo Glaeser

Location: Winnenden, Germany
Client: Strenger Bauen und Wohnen GmbH
Architects: Eble Architekten
Area: 3.4 ha
Completion: 2011

from  landezine


Designed by JB FACTORY