*코소보에 위치한 이슬람 사원, 모스크 [ Land+Civilization Compositions ] Pristina Mosque

세르르비아 남부, 풍부한 전통유산을 갖고 있는 코소보에 새로운 타입의

모스크가 제안된다. 일련의 이슬람 건축, 사원과는 차별화 되는 모스크 디자인은

이슬람 건축의 전통적인 원의 형상을 이용, 함축적인 지오메트리를 구현한다.

이를 통해 신과 빛은 공간 속에 머무르며 과거와 미래를 연결하는

연결자로 모스크는 상징화 되며, 코소보의 또다른 역사적 공간으로

자리매김 할 것이다.

reviewed by SJ

"Kosovo is a country rich in tradition and has had to confront tough issues in recent years. Now, it is a good time to look back, and to see the way forward. The main idea of this submission is to re-interpret the elements that constitute the Mosque, without pushing the limits of the already established principles of Islamic Architecture.

In Islamic tradition, the circle is the perfect geometrical figure representing, in an abstract way, the perfect God. The circle and the light are the integrative elements of our design.

This project is locally grounded with its array of historical, yet contextual community programs. It speaks to its users by formally providing a range of spaces for relating to God. Simultaneously, it will be a symbol of the world of both Islam and Kosovo’s rich history, laying the groundwork for the future."

from  archello


Designed by JB FACTORY