*로켓 스쿨 [ MAF ] Rocket School

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고효율 유틸리티 계획으로 보강된다.

reviewed by SJ

Swedish architecture studio MAF Architects have recently completed an elementary school in Kiruna, Sweden. The New Rocket School lies crosswise with an existing, renovated school building. The large new volume seeks to relate in character to the plain wooden buildings of the area, while simultaneoulsy becoming a landmark amidst the surrounding landscape. The architects sought to express a quiet monumentality, emphasising the importance of the school as an institution in the community.

MAF Architects: Rocket School
Architect: MAF Architects (Mats Jakobsson, Jonas Jakobsson)
Location: Kiruna, Sweden

Program: Elementary school
Total Floor Area: 11,340 square metres
Structure: Steel, concrete, wood
Completion: 2012

"The political will to build a school with the best possible teaching environment for students and teachers was remarkable," state the architects, pointing out how all involved parties were eager to test, discuss and evaluate new solutions. "The functional solutions incorporated were the result of detailed wish lists regarding the kinds of spaces needed and how one moves between them," state MAF architects.

The building façade features vertical laminated wood panels, painted in black and white, and pre-patinated black zinc cladding. The construction is mostly cast-in-place concrete, while a tall “ravine” building entrance is composed of steel columns, wind-braced with thin outdoor cable stays in high strength steel. The large round orange-red windows (figuratively emulating rocket engines) are made of a composite plastic created to withstand melting temperatures over 200° Celsius. The teaching rooms have carpets for acoustic purposes, while the circulation areas feature granite floors.

The school was built to meet Green Building requirements for low energy consumption. Careful insulation, a detailed focus on ventilation control, and the high-efficient energy recapture of exhaust air are among the methods implemented to achieve these goals.

from  domusweb


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