*겐조 쿠마가 꿈꾸는 어반 랜드스케이프, 스톤 스케이프[ Kengo Kuma ] Urban Stories_Stonescape

일본건축가 겐조쿠마의 신작 '스톤 스케이프'는 대나무,

석재, 물을 이용하여 절제된 어반 랜드스케이프를 제구성한다.

겐조쿠마의 스톤스케이프는 현대 도시생활의 다양성 복잡성을

일본 전통의 정원조경방식의 현대적인 재해석으로 한다.

내부공간을 휘감아 도는 굴곡진 스톤의 형태는 지형의 등고선을

연상시키며 때로는 작은 연못을, 때로는 작은 분지 속 대나무 숲을 형성하게 된다.

이러한 공간적 재구성은 거대한 빌딩 속에 거주하는 사람들에게

쉽게 접근하지 못하는 자연에 대한 노스텔지아를 형성함으로써

궁극적으로 사람과 자연을 재연결하는 장치로 제안 될 것이다.

reviewed by SJ

In the spectacular skyline of Porta Nuova Varesine in Milan, on the occasion of the Fuorisalone collateral event, three exceptional architects are 'staging' three extraordinary suggestions of contemporary living.

Michele De Lucchi, Diego Grandi and Kengo Kuma, 'tell' their Urban Stories, through unique and thrilling installations, for an eagerly-awaited event, which supplements the busy schedule of Fuorisalone events.

Urban Stories, organised by MoscaPartners, with the collaboration of Hines, is a spin-off from the extraordinary success of Bologna Water Design 2012, the exclusive event dedicated to water design, which involved the city's most prestigious venues during the Cersaie show in September.

The limelight is therefore cast on Urban Stories and its stars, who thanks to the enthusiastic participation of major leading companies in a variety of industries will give rise to charming captivating set-ups.

The focus of Urban Stories is the Porta Nuova Varesine complex, which is the result of an ambitious urban and architectural replanning project involving large areas of the Isola, Varesine and Garibaldi districts, developed and implemented by famous architects, including Cesar Pelli, Stefano Boeri and Nicholas Grimshaw, under the direction of Hines Italia Sgr, promoter and investor.

The original installations created by Michele De Lucchi, Diego Grandi and Kengo Kuma will transform the important display spaces of the 'new centre of Milan' into an exceptional cultural box, ready to welcome the curious multifarious public who animates the most important and eagerly-awaited international design event every year.

Urban Stories are therefore not just simple installations, but proper 'seductions', resulting from a sensitive way of designing to imagine the landscape within our cities and outside them.

from  dezeen


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