*노유자시설, 은퇴자를 위한 공동주거 [ Vous Êtes Ici Architectes ] Morangis retirement home

여기 파리시 외곽 한적한 시골마을에 은퇴자들을 위한 공동주거가 제안된다.

지방자치단체의 도시개발 프로젝트의 일환으로 고급주거환경을 구축한다.

4층 높이의 Y자 형태의 평면구성은 Y자로 연결되는 두개의 출입동선을 형성,

배달, 서비스,  상주 직원들의 출입동선을 위한 북측 출입구와 프라빗 공원으로 열린

남측 출입구로 계획된다. 그리고 중앙의 코어를 기점으로 각 개실과의 연계성을

확보한다. 이러한 평면계획은 주위환경이 투영된 컴팩트하며 합리적인 설계에서

시작되며 거주자에게 생활공간과 활동공간에서 아름다운 뷰 확보와 동시에

질 높은 주거환경을 제공한다.

시베리아산 낙엽송으로 마감된 입면과 일정한 패턴으로 오픈된 개구부는

건축물의 파사드 디자인을 정의하는 수단인 동시에

앞서 말한 주거환경의 질을 높이는 또하나의 수단이 되기도 한다.

reviewed by SJ

French architecture studio Vous Êtes Ici Architectes has recently completed a retirement home in Morangis, on the outskirts of Paris. Offering accessible rates for residents, the development seeks to become a democratic, high-quality facility.

With a Y-shaped plan, the four-storey building features a main public entrance where the two Y strands connect. The north side harbours service, deliveries and the employee’s entrance, while the south façade opens towards a private park. All floors are accessible from the central node, which links all of the building’s functions and patient units.

Vous Êtes Ici Architectes: Morangis retirement home
Location: Morangis, south Paris
Architects: Vous Êtes Ici Architectes (A. Becker, J. Paulré, P. Pfulghaupt)
Contractors: Immodieze, Axentia
Program: retirement home with 91 rooms
Cost: 9,4 million euro
Completion: January 2013
Built area: 5,315 square metres, 46 parking units
Total area: 9,950 square metres
Collaborators: Dumez IDF (general contractor), FACEA (fluids engineering) LECARPENTIER (exteriors and landscape) SPOOMS (kitchen engineering) CAP HORN (acoustics) LAPOINTE (roads and water engineering)
Photographer: 11H45 Montrer l'architecture

The architects sought to organise the plan according to a compact and rational planning, with an emphasis on opening towards the surroundings. Carefully framed views abound: living and main activity areas all face private gardens, which include therapeutically-themed spaces, a rose garden and several paths.

Corridors also include views of the outside, and are generously proportioned allowing residents to mode at their own pace. The third floor includes two large terraces, which, facing the park, function as a continuation of the interior spaces.

The building is clad in Siberian larch wood, each opening becoming a single element in a varied rhythm.  “Every time the outer skin is punched in to form a dent in the global volume this corresponds to a specific socializing space,” point out the architects. “Inner rest areas widely opened towards the park or the third floors terraces.” These “dents” allow for daylight to extensively penetrate the building.

The architects chose yellow as a predominant colour for the building.  The Morangis retirement home was based on an off-plan concept led by social contractor Axentia and private developer Immodieze. It was built with financial support from the Conseil Général de l’Essone, the Regional Health Agency and the town of Morangis.

from  domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY