*토론토 헬스 사이언스 컴플렉스 [ Kongats Architects ] University of Toronto’s Health Sciences Complex, Canada

캐나다 미시소거, 토론토 대학에 새로운 헬스 사이언스 컴플렉스가

문을 연다. 미시소거, 토론토 대학의 의학분과와 생명공학 커뮤니케이션과

그리고 인류학과의 지원시설물로 제안되는 본 건물은

화상회의가 가능한 대강의실, 교실, 세미나실과

관리자 사무실 그리고 산업동과 연구동으로 구성된다.

이와같이 3개의 그룹을 지원하는 각 공간들은 개별적이며 독립적인 공간으로

구축되며, 각 공간의 특성, 프로그램에 따라 평면에서 축소, 확대되어

각기 다른 볼륨으로 적층된다. 각 공간은 외부 조망과 자연채광을 기본원칙으로 계획되며

외부정원의 조망과 야외활동을 지원하는 테라스를 적층된 볼륨의 차이에서 형성한다.

여기에 다양한 모듈패턴으로 디자인된 스테인레스 스틸 판넬은

외부자연환경을 투영하는 장치로 반사, 유입을 반복적으로 일으키며

자연과 건축공간을 동조화 시킨다. 이로써 건축물은 자연속에 부유하는

아이텐티함과 캠퍼스의 랜드마크를 갖게 된다.

reviewed by SJ

The Terrence Donnelly Health Sciences Complex at the University of Toronto Mississauga accommodates teaching and research facilities for the new medical school to be based at the Mississauga campus.

Location: Mississauga, Canada
Type: EducationalPublic
Cost $25M
Date 2011
Size 6,000 m2
Client: University of Toronto
Architects: Kongats Architectswww.kongatsarchitects.com
Design and Project Architect: Alar Kongats
Project Manager: Danielle Lam-Kulczak
Project Team: Philip Toms, David Sasaki, Sukie Leung, Alessia Sopplesa, Dieter Jensen, Andrea Ling, Tyler Walker, Derek McCallum, Eric Van Ziffle

The functional programming of TDHSC supports three primary user groups: the new Mississauga Academy of Medicine, the Department of Biomedical Communications and the Department of Anthropology and Forensics.The program at TDHSC includes video conference-ready lecture theatres, classrooms, seminar rooms, faculty and administrative offices, and instructional and research laboratories.

Each of the three user groups has very distinct space, adjacency and identity requirements. A series of stacked ‘boxes,’ where each ‘box’ shrinks or enlarges from floor to floor to best facilitate desired program adjacency requirements while maximizing views and access to daylight. The outdoor spaces created between the stacked ‘boxes’ accommodate accessible terraces overlooking gardens of indigenous planting. The teaching, office spaces and laboratories float in greenery

TDHSC is situated on sloped terrain rising up from the outer campus Ring Road, and will landmark the entrance to a future proposed Academic Quad. The shifting floor plates of TDHSC accentuate the soft landscape to the east south and west while the building’s north face, in its vertical uniformity, will provide a formal façade to the Academic Quad. The faceted stainless steel façades capture both natural and ambient artificial light ensuring its landmark presence is articulated 24/7.

The configuration of the stainless steel panels is determined by an arithmetic sequence of angles 15-30-60-90 that imposes both a varied appearance to the cladding that acknowledges the Campus’ admired natural setting and strategically minimizes solar gain at the glazed areas. The reflective properties of the stainless steel panels and their configuration also has a bioclimatic benefit; in the summer solar heat is deflected from the building envelope and in the winter the warm air trapped within the panels provides an insulating blanket of tempered air around the building envelope.

In keeping with the University of Toronto’s mandate for sustainable building, the Health Sciences Complex has been designed for LEED Gold certification.

Significant Sustainable Design Features are as follows:
- The TDHC will be provided with direct access to public transit. in the future the existing surface parking on the north portion of the construction site will be eliminated and replaced by the proposed academic Quad.

- The TDHC is serviced by a central district energy plant eliminating the requirement for independent boilers, chillers and cooling towers. the district energy source reduces both the physical and carbon footprint of the building and the noise levels associated with exterior cooling tower on a site designated as the campus’ principal public realm.

- The university of toronto Mississauga campus is situated within the credit river watershed.the university has demonstrated a commitment to effectively managing storm water run-off to the credit river through a series of retention ponds. the tdHSc’s storm water management design will further minimize the building’s impact on the existing storm water infrastructure by the employment of vegetative roofs to control storm water run-off and storm water cisterns to utilize gray water for all washrooms.

from  architecturelab


Designed by JB FACTORY