*뮤직앤댄스 센터 [ Manuelle Gautrand Architecture ] Vivid Assemblage_Music And Dance Center In Israel

이스라엘 에쉬켈론에 제안되는 뮤직 앤 댄스 센터는 다양한 크기의

박스가 불규칙적인 패턴으로 적층된 이질적인 형태미를 보여준다.

뮤직, 댄스를 위한 공간이 볼륨의 크기 형태에 따라 구분됨에 따라 음악학교가

위치한 다른 한편에 발렛 아카데미와 댄스스쿨이 위치하게 된다.

이러한 공간적 특징은 두개의 출입동선을 갖는 출입홀을 기점으로

공용공간과 뮤직,댄스 전용공간으로 구분된다.

사용자의 선택에 따라 플렉서블한 이용이 가능한 공용공간은

도서관, 전시장, 레져를 위한 다목적실, 댄스와 뮤직 학생들을 위한

스튜디오 등으로 구성된다.

내부 기능적 공간 배치는 외부형태를 다양한 박스가 적층된 형태로,

다이나믹한 흥미로운 건축스타일로 표출된다.

reviewed by SJ

The Music and Dance Center in Ashkelon, Israel, by Manuelle Gautrand Architecture is a two-purpose building – one wing of this assembly, resembling of stacked boxes one on top of another, is dedicated to dance and another to music. The two uses are separated by form – one volume is facilitating Music Conservatory, while another is a home to Ballet Academy and School of Dance. Moreover, the design hosts libraries, exhibition spaces, places for leisure and studios for dance and music students. However, both volumes share common function – each comprises a large theater. The stages of the theaters are designed for daily use – music and dance performances and rehearsals.

The spacious entrance hall, located between two main entrances, separates but also joins together the music and dance wings, constantly reminding of their fatal and eternal interconnection. The entrance lobby is acting as a reception area. The lobby also serves as an additional exhibition area for contemporary artists.

The functions are installed vertically – each is visible and is a part of sculptural assemblage. Rooftop gardens offer great panoramic views from this stacked tower, and serve also as relaxation areas.

The inspiration for this building was derived from the aim to create a festive and lively, vivid place. The open space at the top of the building is contributing to the initial idea, serving as a main gathering space and the venue for the social events. It doesn’t have any particular function or program, but it is designed to be specifically appropriated and used by the artists for exhibitions, festivities, ephemeral installations. The building is clad in metal panels with large openings, offering generous views.

from  evolo


Designed by JB FACTORY