*이란성쌍둥이 하우스 [ Anna & Eugeni Bach ] Casa Anoro

바로셀로나 북서측 Sant Esteve de Palautordera 빌리지에 위치한

단독주거 증축 및 리노베이션 프로젝트.

'댄싱커플'을 테마로 진행되는 주거계획은 기존공간과 새롭게

증축되는 공간을 통합, 안락한 주거공간을 추구하는 동시에

각 동의 개별적인 캐릭터를 갖는 주거건축을 지향한다.

-건축주의 요청에 의해 확장된 공간은 기존공간 만큼의 크기를 필요로 한다.

동등한 입장으로 접합되는 2개의 볼륨-

기존공간의 구축 방법론, 재료의 물성, 창문 등에 대한

프로포션, 디멘젼, 볼륨은 새롭게 증축되는 공간과의

유사성을 연속시키는 매개체로 2개의 건축물을 하나의

주거공간으로 묶는 동시에 개별화 시키는 방법을 제시한다.

그리하여 증축공간은 벽돌, 시멘트회반죽, 백색 페인트를

이용 세로 줄무늬로 파사드를,

기존 박공지붕을 모던한 큐빅볼륨, 평지붕으로 재해석한다.

이렇게 이란성 쌍둥이는 접합되어 멋진정원과 시원한 풀장을

갖는 안락한 단독주거로 건축주에게 건축주의 2명의 아이들에게


reviewed by SJ

Barcelona-based studio Anna & Eugeni Bach have recently completed the expansion of a single family house in the village of Sant Esteve de Palautordera, to the north of Barcelona. The previously existing house had been enlarged with small additions after its completion, but a new room program almost doubled the original surface of the house, which determined the need for a new intervention. "The strategy, from the very beginning, was to treat the overall project as a 'dancing couple', where every part has its own role while dancing the same song," state architects Anna and Eugeni Bach.

Casa Anoro
Location: c/ Ocells, 9, Sant Esteve de Palautordera, Barcelona, Sapin
Architects: Anna & Eugeni Bach, arquitectes
Collaborators: Albert Cabrer, Gracinda Ferreira, Carina Silva
Completion: 2013
Built area: 242 square metres (128 square metres for the new house + 114 square metres for the refurbishment)
Client: Anoro-Clusa family
Contractor: Calam Tapias Construccions
Photography: Jordi Bernadó

The architects first focused on eliminating previous additions, leaving the original house into a state they characerise as "a prototypical house: a simple volume with pitched roof, white walls and small rectangular windows." The expansion was then built, emulating this spirit: a simple volume with a similar width and height as the original house, as to avoid competing with the piched roof.

The volumes, the dimensions and proportions of the windows, the materials, and the construction techniques of the two volumes are similar. "They are equal but not identical," state the architects, pointin out how "none of the two tries to be the main volume, but it is easy to distinguish between both."

The similarities are apparent in the façades. The new volume shows the layers of its construction — bricks, plaster, white paint — and the stripes in its façade gives it a lightness and fragmentation that allows the dwelling to dematerialise when facing the garden.

A new entrance and stairs are placed between the two volumes, in a set back area with a lower height. "It is a space between the leading actors," state the architects, "which works as much for the volumetry as for the internal organisation; arranging the circulations and showing the origin, the process and, above all, the main strategy for the whole project."

from  domusweb


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