*스페인 중정형 유치원 [ COR & asociados ] nursery school in the palm trees

건축은 주어진 대지여건을 극북, 적응하며 성장하고

그속에 거주하는 사람들은 순화된 대지의 요소들을

공간을 통해 받아 들인다.

여러개의 조각으로 분할된 삼각형태의 다양한 필지는 개별적인

개발계획으로 남겨진다. 그리고 그위에 야자수들이 그룹으로

자리한다. 스페인 남부 Los Alcázares에 위치한 유치원은

이러한 대지위에 미취학아이들을 위한

놀이, 교육 공간으로 제공된다.

중앙에 위치한 주출입구를 기점으로 두개의 볼륨은

내부중정을 형성하며 한편에는 6개의 교실과 사무실, 탈의실을

다른 볼륨에는 다목적홀과 식당 및 서비스룸을 배치한다.

이러한 공간구성은 외부도로와 환경으로 부터 아이들의

다양한 내외부 활동을 보호하는 동시에 건축물의 디자인을

정의한다. 특히 중정에 면한 파사드에 설치된 무지개 컬러의

스틸 캐노피와 도로에 면한 파사드에 설치된 깊은 윈도우 프레임은

내부로 유입되는 직사광선을 차단하는 쉐이딩 역활과

파사드에 리드믹컬한 디자인을 표출하는 중요한 수단으로 사용된다.

reviewed by SJ

The exponential growth that has taken place at Los Alcázares – a town in Murcia in southern Spain - has resulted in a need to increase state education services with particular attention being given to children of pre-school age. These buildings have enabled the development of a “contemporary family model” in such a way that domestic life and work can be combined more easily.

Uncontrolled expansion has also given rise to irregular urban organisation that in this area produced a series of disconnected plots: surrounded by three streets, they form a triangular shape and are punctuated by groups of palm trees. One of these plots houses the new nursery school designed by COR & asociados, Miguel Rodenas + Jesús Olivares; and the extension of the site has made it possible to not only meet educational needs but also provide a play area, thereby transforming the structure into a public space surrounded by trees.

The nursery set in the palm trees
Architectural design: COR & asociados, Miguel Rodenas + Jesús Olivares
Design team: Oscar Carpio Gonzalez
Structure, services, landscape design: COR & Asociados
Site supervision: Jose Verdú Montesinos
Client: Council of Los Alcázares, Murcia Spain
Built area: 811 sqm (gross)
Cost: 755,000 €
Design phase: March 2010 – May 2010
Construction phase: June 2010 – May 2011

This situation has given rise to a space with a certain synergy that as well as providing the residents of the area with a new community facility surrounded by greenery, also leaves most of the site free, creating visual continuity with the adjacent plots. The building covers an area of 800 sqm, the brief asked for six classrooms, a creche, a multi-functional hall, a dormitory, a canteen and service areas.

The school building is divided into two wings, united at the centre by a main entrance that connects the internal spaces with the outdoor patio. In this way, the building is more enclosed on the street site and more open and permeable on the courtyard side, acting as visual protection for children playing outside.

The larger wing of the nursery faces the road and houses most of the facilities (classrooms, offices, changing rooms), while the smaller one houses the canteen, kitchen and services. The wings face onto the external patio in such a way that the noise of the city is blocked out by the building and above all in such a way as to develop activities within the nursery outdoors. A cantilevered metal structure painted in colours of the rainbow enables the classroom windows to be protected from the sun.

The architects worked hard on the colour scheme, combining the white of the walls with bright colours for the floors, the tiling around the communal sink and animal murals. The windows that look out onto the road, arranged at different heights, have large projecting frames: white on the outside and in continuity with the perimeter walls, inside they are coloured a vivid red.

from  domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY