*칠레 수상호텔 [ Eugenio Ortúzar + Tania Gebauer ] Palafito del Mar Hotel

Palafito del Mar Hotel은 카스트로 시내, 오랜시간동안 독특한

수변문화를 형성한 페드로 몬트이 지역적 문맥을

연결, 투영하는 건축공간으로 계획된다.

나무 말뚝기둥으로 지지되어 수면으로 부터 들려진

데크위에 세워진 호텔은 4개의 유닛블록을 세로로 긴 형태로

연결한 리니어한 공간형태로 각 유닛블록별로 개별적인 박공지붕과

컬러가 채색되어 진다. 그리고 독립적인 야외테라스가

외부의 드라마틱한 수변을 감상 할 수 있도록 제공된다.

여기에는 건축가가 지향하는 건축적 특징이 고스란히 베어난다.

호텔을 이용하는 고객들에게 합리적이며 평온한 거주공간을

제공하는 동시에 주변환경의 건축적 맥락을 투영 연결하여

이곳 호텔만의 고유한 캐릭터를 구축한다.

우리가 흔히 생각하는 호텔과는 차별화 된다.

저렴한 재료-재활용 나무판재, 골강판 등-와

덧붙여진 공간적 기법은 이곳 장소의 특징을

함축적으로 축약, 표현함으로써 모던하고 세련되지 않지만

다시금 한번더 찾고 싶은 거주공간을 완성한다.

건축은 돈으로 행위되지만 돈만으로 정의되지는 않는다.

reviewed by SJ

Pedro Montt is a neighborhood on stilts in the city of Castro, Chiloe. It is one of the oldest and most characteristic neighborhoods of the city and of Chile. It takes over the sea, where there are no regulations, only internal codes of a community that has existed for years on the waterfront, over the sea, showcasing a way of living and a culture.

Architects: Eugenio Ortúzar + Tania Gebauer
Location: Castro, Chiloé,
Area: 380 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: Eugenio Ortúzar, Alvaro Vidal, Tania Gebauer, Marco Polidura

Owner: Francisco Valdés, Sara Bertrand
Materials: Wood for structures, interior finishes and door and window frames. Zinc for exterior finishes.
Surface Areas: Interior: 300 sqm / Terraces: 80 sqm
Collaborator: María Teresa De La Fuente Castellón
Structures: Eugenio Ortúzar
Site Management: Eugenio Ortúzar, Francisco Valdes

The city of Castro is undergoing rapid changes, many of them related to tourism and thus, this neighborhood on stilts begins to emerge as one of the most attractive places for visitors to the island of Chiloe. Different tourism-related private enterprises strongly revitalize a degraded neighborhood, exonerated and marginal for the local authorities. This is countered by the neighborhood’s strength and charm, which attracts many travelers from different parts of the world with an unprejudiced view towards cultural identity.

Private initiatives allow many of the buildings currently neglected or extremely deteriorated, to be reused, recovered or reinvented, for the traditional neighborhood, the hostels and travelers to coexist.

This has produced a sociological phenomenon that we have seen in the course of a couple of years after the completion of the work, a unique “self revitalization”, from the people to their neighborhood.

This phenomenon, which we may have already seen in other places in Chile such as Valparaiso, has allowed this community to reconsider their own space, in a tangential manner and without any state support. The neighborhood was always viewed as marginal and poor, but the respect from people external to their environment has stimulated the community to care for their common space and housing.

The commission of the project was, by request of the owner, to design a boutique hotel as an experience to live Chiloe, preserving the ancient stilt space, where all the bedrooms would overlook the Castro estuary, and where the tides were always present in every corner of the project.

Thus arises the idea of making a stilt landscape out of different stilts, laid out around the seaside life in a collage composition that yields different colors, shapes, and textures, specific to their environment.

A central circulation enhanced by a linear skylight leads into the different rooms that are arranged linearly, successively crossing the various “thresholds of the sea”, which is where one observes the tide from inside the stilts. It finally concludes at the beginning of the project, a living room, by the fire, which welcomes guests for the encounter of Chiloe culture.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY