*코펜하겐 워터프론트 재정비 사업 [ KLAR + julien de smedt architects ] kalvebod waves boardwalk

수변 재정비 사업의 주된 목적은 어반 보이드로 전락한 도시공간에

활력공간 생성과 연속적인 어반 네트워크 구축을 통한 균형적인

도시발전에 목적을 둔다.

고펜하겐 워터프론트 프로젝트는 그러한 지향점을 목표로

거주민들의 적극적인 참여를 독려하는 다양한 커뮤니티, 레크레이션 공간과 시설을

계획, 구축한다. -수상 레포츠는 물론 수변생활을 즐길 수 있는 다양한 오락거리,

휴양시설이 계획된다.- 이러한 공간들을 연결하는 언둘레이션 보드워크는

우드데크를 이용한 보행자로와 브릿지를 이용

단절된 도시네트워크를 확장, 연결함으로써 사람과 사람, 도시와 바다를

연결한다. 특히 재연결된 네트워크는 어반그리드의 확장으로

새로운 시티스케이프를 생성한다.

reviewed by SJ

kalvebod waves, collectively designed by klar and JDS/julien de smedt architects with the support of sloth møller and niras engineers, has officially opened along the copenhagen harborfront--bringing a new concept of bathing and water sports to the danish capital. designboom visited the event. the development of this public square was to maintain urban continuity, while finding spots along the water to take in some sun. the undulating boardwalk and bridge enlivens a once gloomy and desolated part of the urban waterfront with a form that draws from the movement and shapes of shadows projected from the imposing structures that line to the pier. shade-free zones are programmed as resting islands on the water all connected by a network of wood-clad promenades. while historically, the harbor had been a once-austere site of industrial activities, the kalvebod waves usher in a new era of considered hedonism that extends the urban grid. from the architects: 

 kalvebod waves brings a myriad of activities from organized to spontaneous: there’s a kayak and canoe club inserted in the project, a docking island peacefully floating in a basin, a series of benches and long resting areas to enjoy the sun. since ‘the waves’ partially opened 6 weeks ago, it has already become a magnet for urban life and water activities. 

location: kalvebod brygge, copenhagen harbor
size: 4.000 m²
budget: dkk 52 mio., euro 7 mio.
client: copenhagen municipality, lokale og anlægsfonden
team: klar, jds/julien de smedt architects, niras, sloth møller

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY