*와인너리 자연과 동화되다 [ Carvalho Araújo, Arquitectura e Design ] De Lemos

자연과 동기화 되다. Douro and Dão 지방, 와인브랜드의 차별화된

마케팅을 위해 전략적으로 제공되는 게스트 하우스는

주변 자연환경과 조화를 이루는 오가닉한 건축공간으로 구현된다.

지형의 등고선을 따라 형성된 리니어한 건축공간은

와인에 대한 다양한 프로그램을 제공 -와인 감별, 논의, 크리틱- 하는

레스토랑과 이곳의 특별한 경험을 몸소 체험 할 수 있는 게스트 하우스로

구성된다. 지역의 고유한 특성을 고스란히 담아 숙성되는 와인처럼

건축공간도 지역이 갖고 있는 장소성, 자연환경에 동화되어 숙성되어 진다.

특히 게스트하우스의 지붕면에 형성된 플랫폼데크는 자연과 동화된

건축적 산책로와 더불어 포도농장의 드라마틱한 풍경을 감상 할 수 있는

뷰포인트를 제공한다.

reviewed by SJ

I Answering the request for the conception and design for a Gourmet Restaurant, we developed the project with the idea of a Guesthouse, private equipment as complement of the first. The group intends to relate to the wine production, and to frame this investment in a global brand strategy, instead of an isolated act in the territory.

Architects: Carvalho Araújo, Arquitectura e Design
Location: , Portugal
Design Team: José Manuel Carvalho Araújo, Joel Moniz, Sandra Ferreira, Emanuel de Sousa, Ana Vilar, André Santos, Liliana Costa, Nuno Vieira, Pedro Mendes, Carlos Santos, José João Santos, Leandro Silva
Year: 2012
Photographs: Hugo Carvalho Araújo

Contractor: Eduardo Oliveira Irmãos, Lda
Landscape: JBJC – João Bicho e Joana Carneiro, Arquitectura Paisagista, Lda
Interior Architecture: Nini Andrade Silva
Engineering: Carlos Pires

The Guesthouse doesn’t have a formal reception; the services create an intimate atmosphere, family like and exclusive. The bedroom is not just the private domain; it includes other spaces of social character, which makes this equipment different from the usual offer of temporary lodging. The bedroom is really a small house.

The association established with the wine production justifies the restaurant. It includes spaces for wine proofs, and a reserved area to discussion, analysis and wine critic, suggesting a flexible drawing for the space in all these uses.

The building’s drawing is developed starting from the topography, based in contour lines, as a reference to the platforms and the distant association that unites them in time, characteristic of wine’s production especially in the Douro and Dão region.

It defines an extensive course that represents the dimension of the territory on which is placed and is built in a level quota, being the direct result of the topography.

The building is drawn by the land, and its openings, orientations and intern definition of the program respect the main points of view over the vineyard, natural light’s control and the discretion that is intended for the group, in spite of its apparent dimension.

The attractive point where the building is located creates a tension between the existent building and the new construction, being constituted as two poles, forcing the accomplishment of a course to relate them. The implantation of the new construction is just the continuity of that course; a drawing in the landscape, a built course leaning towards the beauty of the linear rhythm of the vineyards.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY