*하이퍼 하이브리드 허브 인 헤이그 [ wiel arets architects ] AvB tower_hyper-hybrid hub in the hague

wiel arets architects가 설계한 leiden 대학의 A v B 타워는

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reviewed by SJ

international architecture firm wiel arets architects 'AvB (anna van bueren) tower' in the hague, NL is now occupied by the university of leiden. the mixed use hub provides student housing, faculty offices, academic spaces, retail and dining, all within a few minutes walk from den haag centraal station and city transport connections. the design also incorporates a 3-level below-ground parking garage, further enhancing the accessibility of the neighborhood. with the vision to optimize the central urban fabric, several smaller buildings were demolished to create anna van beurenplein. located at the corner of this square, the tower's viscous activity and easy access for commuters will catalyze development of the area. in preparation for future construction projects a district heating system was constructed and implemented, creating a localized grid allowing connected buildings to share energy loads. thus, an adjacent residence produces energy that supplements that used by the university building. inside the building one is greeted by a large atrium with sculptural circulation paths that lead up to a complex of lecture halls and classrooms on the first five levels. above, research suites and 396 student studios rise high above the city. over-sized windows provide breath-taking views of the square, the city skyline, or the sea.

type: housing, retail, school
location: the hague, the netherlands
date of design: 2010-2012
completion: september 2013
total area: 24.500 m2
client: fortress projectontwikkeling BV
architect: wiel arets architects (WAA)
project team: rob willemse, joost körver, raymond van sabben, thorsten
schneider, jelle homburg, jochem homminga
collaborators: janosch welzien, ramon alverez roa, martin tessarz, tobias bamberg, steffen winkler, carlatta giacomin, itziar quiros
client: anna van buerenplein BV
owner: green college court BV
occupant: university of leiden
interior: studio RTM
consultants: DGMR raadgevende ingenieurs BV, van rossum raadgevende ingenieurs BV, wessels zeist BV

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY