*애견들을 위한 모던한 디자인 소품 Cloud 7: Strictly For Modern Dogs

강아지, 고양이를 비롯한 많은 반려동물은 이제 단순히 소유주의 만족감을 충족시키기 위한 동물이 아닌 삶의 동반자로써 입지를 넓히고 있다. 여기 클라우드 세븐은 이러한 삶의 동반자들을 위한 현대적이며 모던한 소품들을 디자인, 제안한다. 소유주의 어반라이프에 부합하는 디자인 소품들은 애견들에게는 안락함을, 소유주에게는 삶의 질과 행복감을 전달해주는 삶의 조각으로 받아 들여 질 것이다.

reviewed by SJ

If you’re an animal lover, have a huge passion for fashion, your design values obey simplicity, functionality and eco-friendliness and you have immense respect for modern living environments, then the combination of these values and traits can only mean one thing - that your name is Petra Jungebluth. The founder of Berlin-based label Cloud 7 which offers contemporary high quality products and accessories for dogs with one mission: to make our four footed friends live more comfortably, as well as stylishly, using products that integrate perfectly into the modern interiors of their owners.

The collection consists of beds in different sizes and colour tones that seem to be more comfortable than their own owners’ beds with removable and machine washable organic cotton covers, hand-crocheted bones and training dummies (in co-operation with Dutch designer Anne-Claire Petit), silkscreen printed cushions made with environmentally friendly ink, handmade ceramic dog bowls, bags that unfold into travel-beds and leashes & collars made of the finest Nubuck leather.

Internationally renowned photographer Janne Peters from Hamburg has created a beautiful photo series for a catalogue exclusively for Cloud 7 with portraits of dog owners at home with their beloved friends. The catalogue itself recently fall into my hands after a short visit to Opus, an old-time-classic design store with a 45 year old history, in the heart of Athens. The store hosts a collection of unique design furniture and accessories by international suppliers, such as the upscale and sophisticated Cloud 7 dog accessories which I discovered in situ amongst talented Greek designer and store-owner Costas Nomikos’ handmade, one-of-a-kind series of furniture.

Don't miss the exhibition ''Always listen to your dog {The dog is King Days}'' at the Normann Copenhagen flagship store in Copenhagen, Denmark. On view until the 21st of October 2013, the pop-up store features the complete Cloud 7 collection along with beautiful portraits of dogs & their owners by Janne Peters. On the first two days, some lucky visitors had their own portrait taken by photographer Jeppe Sørensen (full set on flickr) and they were up on cloud… seven!

''When I saw Cloud 7's booth at Paris Interior Fair Maison & Objet earlier this year, I knew right away that I wanted to have them in our store. Their elegant and minimal design of products is just something completely new and shows that dog accessories don't need to be ugly and can be a sophisticated piece of home interior. And their presentation with the giant dogs just blew my mind. Almost everyone in our neighbourhood here has dogs and I just knew they would rave about it.'

from  yatzer


Designed by JB FACTORY