스토어 브랜드 오피스 프로젝트의 지향점은 주변환경과의 조화, 친자연적인 건축재료의 사용 그리고 이를 통한 건강한 작업환경 구축에 있다. 약 1500명 가량의 노르웨이 은행직원과 보험직원들의 효율적이며 활동적인 비즈니스 플랜을 제공하는 내부 사무공간은 체계적으로 정립된 인포메이션과 커뮤니케이션의 기능적인 연결을 따라 각각의 전용공간으로 구분된다.
특히 이러한 내부환경 조성을 도와주는 콜트파사드 시스템은 최상의 컨디션을 위해 채광, 환기를 비롯한 방음의 기능을 완벽히 수행한다. 여기에 직원들의 복지를 위한 서비스 공간은 레스토랑, 두개의 까페, 샵, 갤러리, 아트 스포츠 공간과 건축물 후면에 조성된 아웃도어 데크 스페이스로 구성된다.
reviewed by SJ
Lysaker Park is an exemplary transformation of an outdated building mass
into an architectural gem along the E18. The implementation of the
exterior and interior spaces combined with the clients core values of
having healthy surroundings with natural and sustainable materials, has
created a very attractive work environment. With the project Lysaker
Park, the client has shown the real-estate industry, that it is possible
to create exemplary architecture within the very strict Scandinavian
environmental standards.
Architects: LINK arkitektur
Location: Oslo, Norway
Area: 55,000 sqm
Year: 2008
Photographs: Jiri Havran
The building`s location and immediate connection to the highway running
through Oslo, has given challenges when it comes to noise and highway
pollution. The colt facades are the first of its kind in Norway, and
have been installed to give the employees the best possible light, air,
and noise-reduced conditions.The building houses approximately 1500
employees from a Norwegian bank and insurance company. All workstations
are situated in a completely open plan environment, allowing a greater
flow of information and communication between the different divisions.
Lysaker Park has a wide range of facilities to accommodate the workers.
Mentioning; a restaurant, two cafés, a shop, a gallery and state of the
art sports facilities.To live up to the expectations of the name;
Lysaker Park, the client put aside substantial funds to create a green
lung at the back of the building. The garden holds a large wooden deck
in the environmentally friendly material “Kebony”, a fishpond, and a
natural arena set for outdoor arrangements. It also has connection to
the restaurant, so the staff can enjoy a nice sunny lunch in the
The whole scenery is carefully put together by architects, interior architects and landscapers to get the blissful and natural environment the client wanted to give to the area.The project can now own up to its name and introduce a park facility and office building that is not only open to the employees but also to the public.
from archdaily