*재활용 플라스틱 물통을 활용한 템퍼러리 파빌리온 [ Daydreamers Design ] Rising Moon

라이징문. 달을 형상화한 템퍼러리 설치물은 중국 최대 명절, 중추절을 기념하기 위한 설치물로 홍콩 빅토리아 공원에 수백개의 플라스틱 물병을 이용하여 완성된다. 중국 전통의 종이전등을 재해석한 디자인은 반원구 형태로 수면위를 비추며 -실제와 투영된 허상의 이미지가 합쳐져 하나의 시퀀스로 구현된다.- 중추절을 상징하는 달의 이미지를 표현한다.

이러한 드라마틱한 시퀀스를 연출하는 삼각프레임에 설치된 LED조명과 그에 상응하는 재활용 플라스틱 물병은 자연을 배려한 친환경적인 디자인을 통해 중추절을 즐기는 또다른 문화 공간을 창출한다. -재활용 플라스틱 물병은 해마다 증가하는 물의 낭비를 일깨우는 동시에 낭비되는 양을 직설적으로 표현한다. 무언가를 구축하기 위해 새로운 것을 생산하는 것이 아니라 버려지는 것? 을 재활용하는 자원절약의 의미 또한 내재되어 있다.-

reviewed by SJ

Daydreamers Design have created Rising Moon, a temporary pavilion made using recycled plastic bottles for the 2013 Hong Kong Mid-Autumn Festival.

Rising Moon is a temporary pavilion designed to serve as an anchor attraction during the 2013 Hong Kong Mid-Autumn Festival. It re-interpret traditional paper lanterns with recycled plastic bottles on the same time creating a Synthetic Moon, thus promoting the message of environmental protection. Rising Moon offered strong visual impact with sound and lighting effects externally and internally. The design received the Gold Award at the Lantern Wonderland Design Competition in May 2013.

For over hundreds of years, it is the Chinese’s tradition to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, to be gathered under the full moon once a year with family and friends, a symbol of Reunion. With such tradition and folklore, the Moon has always been the main focus during Mid-Autumn Festival as it become brighter, bigger in size and a perfect circle during the Full Moon Phase. Our concept is to bring the distanced Moon closer to the surface of Victoria Park, which gives the visitors a dynamic visual impact, a Synthetic Moon.

In recent years, our society becomes more aware of the term Sustainability, on different aspects of our living environment such as foods, shelters and transportations. As a temporary pavilion, we proposed using sustainable materials which is recyclable after deconstruction or even using recycle material for construction directly, to promote Hong Kong as a sustainable city.

Each year, there are thousands of polycarbonate water bottles distributed and the amount of consumption is still increasing. The polycarbonate water bottles will be recollected by distributer for reuse after distillation. This sparks our concept on our proposal for this year’s Lantern Wonderland 2013, to achieve a sustainable design. We proposed to reuse the 5 gallons polycarbonate water bottles as a representation of the traditional Chinese Paper Lanterns. The outer dome surface of the moon was wrapped around with water bottles, in which they are transparent with variation of colours also creating an interesting texture. Each water bottle was connected with a Light Emitting Diode (LED) device and each LED was controlled by computer to generate different lighting effects on the moon surface. LED are low energy consumption and reusable. One of the highlights of the lighting effects was the performance of the Moon Phases, from the New Moon to Full Moon.

The Rising Moon was sitting on top of reflective pool. This was to allow the Moon to have a complete sphere visually on the outside, having the other half appearing on the pool as a reflection.

The Rising Moon consisted of a steel dome structure based on the geodesic dome design with triangular modules. The visitors can experience the whole journey by the pathway which run through the pavilion. The journey began from the edge of the reflective pool, it leaded to the entrance of the Rising Moon. It had 20 meters in diameter by 10 meters in height spherical interior space, and also an opening on the roof to let the moon shined into the pavilion at night. In order to arouse the public awareness of the damage made to our city by those bottles, we had included a lighting installation hang from the ceiling as to mimic the tradition of hanging paper lanterns under the eaves. Once the installation had completed, a sea of bottle lanterns with LED appeared inside the pavilion. This gave a strong visual impact to the visitor as they enter, and drew the attention towards the opening.

from  contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY