*유니크 레지던스 타워 [ UNStudio ] Ardmore Residence

싱가폴 쇼핑의 메카 오차르 거리와 광활한 자연풍경 사이에 위치한 아드모어 레지던스는 드라마틱한 뷰포인트와 평온한 휴식이 살아 있는 거주공간을 제공한다. 36층 17,178제곱미터 면적의 레지던스 타워의 주요한 디자인 이슈는 싱가폴을 상징하는 '가든 시티'의 조경; 인공적인 자연풍경을 연속시키는 주거환경에 있다. 이러한 주거의 구축은 다양한 텍스쳐와 패턴이 형성하는 다분절된 독특한 주거 파사드와 대형창을 통한 드라마틱한 어반 뷰의 확보 그리고 개방형 프레임을 통한 높은 층고의 쾌적한 실내환경과 내부로 유입된 자연; 프라빗 가든으로 이루어 진다. 모듈화된 각 주거유닛의 독특한 디자인 형상은 수직으로 반복, 연속되며 레지던스만의 유니크한 심볼을 형상화 한다. -파사드 디자인과 연계된 주거평면은 벽식구조로 외벽면에 막힘없는 연속된 뷰포인트를 형성과 구조역활을 수행하게 된다.- 유니크한 형상이 주는 심미적인 아름다움도 중요하지만 내외부를 통섭하는 주거공간에 대한 새로운 고찰에서 이번 레지던스 타워는 시작되고 완성된다.

reviewed by SJ

The Ardmore Residence at 7 Ardmore Park in Singapore is located in a prime location close to the Orchard Road luxury shopping district and enjoys both expansive views of the panoramic cityscape of Singapore City and the vast green areas of its immediate western and eastern surroundings.

Architects: UNStudio
Design Team: Ben van Berkel, Wouter de Jonge and Holger Hoffmann, Imola Berczi, Christian Bergmann, Aurelie Hsiao, Juergen Heinzel, Derrick Diporedjo, Nanang Santoso, Joerg Petri, Kristin Sandner, Katrin Zauner, Arne Nielsen
Area: 5,625 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: Iwan Baan

Interior Design Show Suite: Terry Hunziker
Structure: Webstructures
Mechanical & Electrical Consulting Engineers: J Roger Preston, Singapore
Façade: Ove Arup

Living landscape

The primary concept for the design of the 36 storey, 17.178 m² residential tower is a multi-layered architectural response to the natural landscape inherent to the ‘Garden City’ of Singapore. This landscape concept is integrated into the design by means of four large details: the articulation of the facade, which through its detailing creates various organic textures and patterns; expansive views across the city made possible by large glazed areas, bay windows and double-height balconies; the interior ‘living landscape’ concept adopted for the design of the two apartment types and the introduction of transparency and connectivity to the ground level gardens by means of a raised structure supported by an open framework.

Textured facade

The facade of the Ardmore Residence is derived from micro-design features which interweave structural elements, such as bay windows and balconies into one continuous line. The façade pattern is repeated for every four storys of the building, whilst rounded glass creates column-free corners, visually merging the internal spaces with the external balconies. Intertwining lines and surfaces wrap the apartments, seamlessly incorporating sun screening, whilst also ensuring that the inner qualities of the apartments and the outer appearance of the building together form a unified whole. From a distance the tower appears to adopt vastly divergent contours when viewed from different perspectives, whilst from close by the various openings in the concrete panels of the facade affect a sense of organic mutation and transition as you move around the building.

Inside-outside landscape

The apartments in the Ardmore Residence embody the idea of a ‘living landscape’. Functional spaces are redefined and extended into the living landscape concept, offering the possibility for versatile functionality for the occupants. An indoor-outdoor living experience is achieved through the inclusion of large windows and double height balconies in all of the residences. These elements enable a wide variety of views across Singapore City, while the large vertical balconies additionally offset the horizontality of the more private interior spaces. With the terrace spaces integrated into every-day internal living scenarios, the living landscape promotes seamlessness between interior and exterior spaces. Bay window features on the façade create natural shading on the glass to minimize heat gain and provide welcome opportunity for planting by the residents.

The floor plan chosen for the 58 individual apartments is designed to increase the amount of daylight and take full advantage of the panoramic views, thereby creating an atmosphere of spaciousness in the dwellings. This floor plan is based on an analysis of Renaissance villa prototypes – and the concept of a “cours d’honneur” as in between space which enable visual links between different parts of one and the same house. In the design for the Ardmore Residence this concept is appropriated and translated in order to allow for visual interconnection between specific areas within the apartments. This concept furthermore increases privacy for sleeping rooms and adds a four-dimensional aspect to the layout, as both wings can operate separately, service different needs and be active at different times of the day.

Continuous landscape

The first residential level of the Ardmore Residence is located on the eighth storey of the building. An open framework is therefore introduced at the base of the raised tower which enables full connectivity and transparency across the ground level landscaping, while simultaneously organising the shared amenity facilities. Whilst building regulations in Singapore specify both the height and area of high-rise buildings, views are also deemed to be essential for the occupants. The raised design of the Ardmore Residence therefore integrally incorporates these set parameters to take full advantage of the potential they afford to optimise the design concept and simultaneously create a fully integrated living and leisure landscape for its occupants.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY