*투어 드 프랑스 레이스 100주년 기념, 유니크 자전거 전시회 free wheel examines bicycle design from different eras

투어 드 프랑스 100주년 기념, 자전거 탄생 200주년을 기념하는 디자인 뮤지엄 홀론의 기획전시는 19세기 부터 지금까지 독특한 또는 유니크한, 기념비적인 100대의 자전거를 전시한다.

free wheel – cyclepedia: iconic bike design
design museum holon, israel
on now until march 22nd, 201

design museum holon pays tribute to the tour de france, which marked its 100th race this year, with ‘free wheel’–an exhibition that surveys 100 bicycles, giving visitors a look at the diverse existence of two-wheelers from the past 200 years.

the bicycle is something whose original structure has experienced minimal transformations since its invention in the 19th century; and though it hasn’t drastically evolved physically, it has undergone technological and social developments.

‘folded pocekt bici’ by T&C

the lower gallery highlights local bicycle manufacturing, displaying 11 pieces produced in israel against a backdrop of historical posters, photographs and videos that have accompanied the cycling culture in the country as far back as the 1930s.

‘sportplex’ by sironval from the michael embacher collection

‘strida I’ by strida LTD from the collection of michael embacher

‘one off moulton special’ by alex moulton from the collection of michael embacher

‘wall street’ by schauf ‘demontable’ by rene herse from the collection of michael embacher

demontable’ by rene herse from the collection of michael embacher

'bi bici' by tur meccanica 'skoot' by skoot international LTD from the michael embacher collection

'pedersen' by solling from the michael embacher collection

'C-4 project' by bianchi from the michael embacher collection

'zoombike' by elettromontagi Srl from the michael embacher collection

'long john' by smith & co. 'skoot' by skoot international LTD from the michael embacher collection

'super tech' by BMW from the michael embacher collection

'skoot' by skoot international LTD from the michael embacher collection

'skoot' by skoot international LTD in its closed state from the michael embacher collection

from  designboom


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