*놀이를 통한 소통공간; 놀이터 [ Studio Florentijn Hofman ] Partyaardvark

놀이를 통한 공감대 형성은 단순히 정보전달의 차원을 넘어선 자연스러운 소통공간을 형성시킨다. 네덜란드 중부, 아른헴시내 중심부에 새롭게 들어선 놀이공원은 아이들을 위한 놀이터이자 어른들의 다양한 소통을 보장하는 퍼블릭 스페이스로 제공된다. 이번 놀이공원의 가장 특징적인 대형 설치물-Partyaardvark-은 주변 랜드스케이프를 투영한 인공 지형물로 아이들의 다양한 놀이; 뛰기, 오르기, 미끄럼,...를 보장한다. 거대한 코끼리? -상상 속의 동물인 것 같다-는 30미터의 길이로 놀이공원을 가로 누워 아이들을 대지와 소통시킨다. 그렇게 놀이와 소통을 지향한다.

reviewed by SJ

A former wasteland in the city-centre of Arnhem is transformed to an iconic park: A flourishing heather landscape with a huge statue of an Partyaardvark lying amidst of it. On it’s back, as if it has been partying to long. With children running and climbing up and down the Partyaardvark, jumping from it’s belly into the soft sandy landscape he’s lying in, this unconventional park had turned this absolute non-place into one of the most vivid squares in the city.

The transformation started when D.T.O’s Transitieteam and landscape architect Harro de Jong approached the municipality in 2012 with the idea to turn this desolate area (due to the crisis remaining unbuild after a church was torn down) to a patch of nature in the city. Arnhem is phenomenally situated on the edge of the huge natural park the Veluwe, but doesn’t seem to take much pride in this fact. So as an ode to Arnhems’ surroundings they took it to the city. Literally. The heather-vegetation is transplanted from the natural park into the city centre, a novelty.

In the meantime artist Florentijn Hofman was looking for a meaningful place to create his Artwork, a present from Burgers’ Zoo (just outside Arnhem) to the city. The combination of park and statue was perfect: The gently sloping mini-scale natural park is a soft bed for the 30m long overscaled Partyaardvark – a remarkable and joyful animal that sleeps 22 hours a day. And now this playful Gesamtkunstwerk attracts young and old, as archipuncture catalysing new life and meaning to this part of town where conventional urban designs was lacking thus far.

from  landezine


Designed by JB FACTORY