*암스테르담, 차일드 센터 [ Studioninedots ] Pilot IKC Zeeburgereiland

암스테르담, 그리고 인근 위성도시를 포함하는 문화공감대를 위한 차일드 센터는 아이들의 놀이를 포함한 교육,문화 등의 다양한 활동을 보장하는 장소로 제안된다. 건축주의 요청과 같이 센터가 추구하는 건축목표는 다기능적, 유연성, 에너지효율성, 친환경성, 저렴한 공사비로 이곳 센터에 투영된다. 아이들을 위한 문화공감대; 차일드 센터는 내부 프로그램을 통합, 연계하는 중심부에 에어아트리움을 기점으로 아이들의 놀이와 교육을 수행하는 클래스룸, 오디토리움, 도서관, 놀이공간 등 배치된다. 통합적인 공간의 구축을 통하여 내부는 아이들을 위한 놀이터인 동시에 배움의 장으로 제안된다.

reviewed by SJ

The school of the 21st century needs to satisfy a long list of demands, some of which seem at first to be contradictory. It needs to have character and function as an anchoring point within the neighbourhood.

It must be multifunctional, flexible, energy-efficient, sustainable, affordable, and possible to build within just a few months. Impossible? No. In fact, it was recently completed: the Integraal Kindcentrum (Integral Child Centre, IKC) Zeeburgereiland in Amsterdam, designed by . The building was opened on 29 November.

Architects: Studioninedots
Location: Zeeburgereiland en Nieuwe Diep, Amsterdam,
Design Team: Albert Herder, Vincent van der Klei, Arie van der Neut, Metin van Zijl
Area: 2,400 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: Peter Cuypers

Project Team: Daniel Aw, Jarno van Essen, Monika Pieroth, Eliano Felício, Pedro Piernas
Contractor: Verlaat Uden Bouwsystemen

For the upcoming years the municipality of Amsterdam has the challange to provide sufficient facilities for the many new development areas, including Zeeburgereiland.We decided to create a compact building with a powerful heart that forms the connection between all the functions of integrated child centre.

All the classrooms are placed along the facade creating a social heart where children can meet and learn. This area is formed by the auditorium, entrance, library, play rooms and the lunch rooms. The identity of this space is formed by specially designed multi-storey light wells, creating multiple views, beautiful light and different relations between the floors.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY