*디지털 패브릭케이션을 위한 소프트웨어 Zahner Launches Software for Design and Fabrication

비선형 오브제의 디지털 디자인은 물론 패브릭케이션을 도와주는 소프트웨어 프로그램; CloudWall 은 부재의 허용오차를 감안한 현실적인 가공 및 생산을 지원한다. 이번 팩토리 리노베이션 프로젝트에 적용된 소프트웨어는 기업의 이미지; 철의 주는 강인한 이미지와 그를 상쇄시키는 부드러운 곡선 이미지의 고취는 물론 현실적인 워크스페이스 확보를 제공하는 유용한 툴로 사용된다.

 reviewed by SJ

Zahner, one of the world’s foremost fabricators of façades, have launched new to assist in design, fabrication, costing and delivery. CloudWall, part of Zahner’s ShopFloor platform, is a web based programme which provides an interface for users to design and fabricate curving facades in metal. It is a tool that uses Zahner’s ”factory floor like a massive rapid prototype machine”.

The programme has been developed from Zahner’s undulating façade at their factory in Kansas City. According to Zahner, “the cost of building the Zahner Headquarters in Kansas City was upwards of several hundred thousand dollars” yet “similar designs created with the CloudWall software can be fabricated and shipped for a fraction of that price.” As the user makes changes (such as size, colour and material finish) the costs update in real time. Once the design is complete Zahner can produce the parts, crate the assemblies and ship them to site.

According to the company “the CloudWall tool is one of several being released over the next few months. Purchases made with ShopFloor include the price of engineering, fabricating, and shipping the assemblies” but “does not currently include an option for installation of the parts.”

from  archdaily


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