*아트갤러리를 채우는 아치 [ Penda ] Art Arcadion,Hongkun Art Gallery


백색은 공간을 상징화 하고 배치된 예술작품의 편안한 관람들 유도하기 위해 공간 속으로 사라진다. 그리하여 남겨진 곡선들만이 공간, 갤러리를 정의한다. 곡선은 내부 공간을 가득 메우며 뫼비우스 띄와 같이 연속된 끝임없는 공간을 만들어 낸다. 여기 홍근 아트갤러리를 정의하는 인테리어 디자인은 예술과 건축의 발생지를 직간접적으로 상징하는 동굴, 그 아치형태로 부터 시작된다. 그리고 이 아치들은 다양한 방향으로 연속되며 방문객들의 시선과 동선을 유도하는 기능적 요소와 갤러리를 상징하는 디자인 요소로 적용된다. 단일화된 컬러는 백색으로 공간의 당위성을 뚜렷히 한다.

reviewed by SJ

Stand outside the new Hongkun Art Gallery/Art Arcadion, and you’re faced with a monolithic white façade that rises above the rest of the stone building to create a solid exterior of right angles. Step inside, however, and you enter a clean, white world of sinuous curves, undulating arches and swooping counter-arches.

Designed by Beijing-based architects penda, the 2,000m2 space features a combination of arches that vary in size and orientation. Like a rolling ribbon, they create a continuous gentle curve that guides visitors from the entrance to the exhibition areas with serene ease.

Inspired by the fact that the arc is a shape which originates from a cave, and that the cave is the birthplace of art and architecture, the designers at penda wanted to translate this into a contemporary way of exhibiting art. The result is a carved-out interior that serves as a sculptural interpretation of the landscape paintings exhibited in the main gallery.

On the ground floor, the entrance encompasses an information desk, cloakroom and staircase. From here, visitors can wander further into the building to the main gallery, a wide space that echoes the solid expression of the exterior to increase the museum’s sculptural appearance. Positioned behind a glass panel, the circulation staircase leads visitors to the basement where there is a special hall for temporary exhibitions, or employees to the office area located on the mezzanine level above.

from  frameweb


Designed by JB FACTORY