*지속가능한 오피스 환경 [ Fassio Viaud Architectes ] Office building

프랑스 팬틴에 새롭게 들어선 PRD 오피스는 포지티브-에너비 소비를 통한 지속가능한 건축환경을 구축한다. 이에 생산된 에너지는 난방, 조명, 환기, 온수 그리고 직원들을 위한 전기차량의 충전에 사용되며 잔여분은 EDF그리드로 전송된다. 유연한 화이트 외장재료 또한 셀프크리닝 기능과 내오염성 기능이 향상된 코리안(세라믹 패널)을 사용, 지속가능한 디자인을 연속시킨다. 그리고 또한 전체 1.35미터 간격으로 디자인된 리니어한 윈도우는 외벽면의 개폐비율을 40%로 유지하면서도 내부로 풍부한 자연광을 유입시켜 거주자에게 쾌적한 비즈니스 환경의 구성을 도와준다.

reviewed by SJ

The office building project delivered in Pantin (Greater Paris) by the Fassio-Viaud agency for PRD Office, runs on positive-energy own-consumption.
Part of the energy it produces is used directly on site for heating, lighting, ventilation and hot water but also for recharging the electric cars that are made available to employees. The remainder is transferred to the EDF grid. The building is only the second in France to use Corian® in its construction, a material known for being long-lasting. It is self-cleaning and can be sanded to remove graffiti easily. It gives the building a fluid outline as if it had been carved from a block.

Office building, Pantin, Greater Paris, France
Architects: Fassio-Viaud Architectes
Project management: PRD Offices
Consultants: Arcoba Alto Adenda
Area: 6000 sqm
Completion: January 2014

The building’s energy needs have been reduced to a minimum because of a high-performance compact envelope. The facades are load-bearing, so thick, and transpiring by bay windows placed in a 1.35 m pattern to ensure maximum natural sunlight and occupy only 40% of the linear facade. The office interior has been carefully designed to maximise user comfort with ceilings higher than usual and systematic natural lighting in each office.

Playing with the slope of the land, the parking garage is on the ground level, a choice that make possible considerable savings both during construction and in the building’s daily use since artificial light is unnecessary. It also made possible to place the work stations in the upper floors.
The project even surpasses its brief by resolving several sticky urban issues by increasing the surface area of the playground of a nearby primary school while placing an embankment of greenery between the two buildings. The building also helped rationalise and improve access to an existing parking garage by freeing a spacious entry, making it a prow visible from the road leading to Paris.

from  domusweb


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