*쿤스트클러스터 [ van Dongen-Koschuch ] Kunstcluster

네덜란드, 도시 리노베이션 프로젝트의 일환, 쿤스트클러스터는 2개의 블록으로 구성; 극장과 아트센터 / 지층에 리테일 아울렛이 배치된 주차빌딩으로 구성됨. 첫번째 볼륨은 풍부한 무대공간과 700명 수용 가능한 크기로 자리한 메인 오디토리움과 다양한 이벤트를 지원, 유연하게 활용 가능한 200석 규모의 스튜디오 극장으로 구성. 오디토리움에 설치된 천장과 발코니는 아메리칸 월넛에 내츄럴 베니어가 디자인되어 방음과 효과적인 음의 전달을 완성. 극장 위에 위치한 아트센터는 뮤직, 댄스 및 연기활동을 위한 다목적공간으로 설계, 제공. 이러한 컴플렉스 스페이스를 연결하는 퍼블릭 스페이스는 3개의 스펙타클한 포이어와 전면에 펼쳐진 도시광장을 내려다 보는 극장카폐로 내외부의 밀착된 경계없는 반투명한 글래스 파사드 디자인과 LED조명으로 드라마틱한 시퀀스를 연출. 지하로부터 확장된 주차빌딩은 도심지 부족한 주차공간 해소를 목적으로 제안되며, 마주한 도시광장과 짝을 이루도록 대나무가 식재된 그린 플랜트로 파사드 디자인 됨.

reviewed by SJ

The Kunstcluster, designed by Frits van Dongen and Patrick Koschuch whilst they were architects at the Architekten Cie, is part of the urban renovation of Nieuwegein’s city center.

The Kunstcluster is made up of two blocks; the theatre and arts centre and a multi-storey car park, which includes a retail outlet on the ground floor.

Kunstcluster, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
Program: theatre, arts center, parking
Architects: van Dongen-Koschuch
Client: Projectbureau Binnenstad,Nieuwegien
Contractor: Bouwcombinatie Strabag
Area: 27.550 sqm
Completion: 2012

The first volume includes an auditorium and a studio theatre. The main auditorium can seat up to 700 people, with a podium and ample stage space. The studio theatre is considerably smaller with the capacity to seat 200 people but has a foldaway stage so it can be used for various events. The ceiling and balcony in the main auditorium are entirely clad in acoustic MDF panelling with a natural veneer facing in American walnut. The arts centre is located above the theatre, a multifunctional venue for music, dance and acting classes.

Completing the complex are three spectacular foyers and a theatre café which looks on to the town’s central square. The external glazing of the foyer area is coated with a print finish on the inside – creating an illusion of stage curtains – that reduces the level of light penetration from the south and east facing facades. The facade is floodlit after dark with energy-saving LED lighting.

In the redeveloped town centre nearly all the cars will be parked underground with the exception of the multi-storey car park next to the Kunstcluster. The design intent was to make the parking structure carbon-neutral both to build as well to operate. The garage facade on the square side is four metres thick and contains a cascade stairway that wends its way up and down through a bamboo plantation six metres high. Prints on the balustrades and other glazed surfaces graphically reflect the bamboo image.

from  domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY