*데저트 하우스 [ Kendrick Bangs Kellogg ] The Desert House,A Landmark Of American Organic Architecture

오가닉 형태의 콘크리트 슬래브가 적층된 데저트 하우스는 주변 자연환경의 조우를 통해 구현된 산물로 내외부가 밀착된 건축환경을 생성한다. 건조기후, 사막기후의 반영은 긴 처마선을 통한 직사광선 유입방지, 수평으로 열린 사이공간으로의 자연한기를 유도, 계획한다. 무엇보다 바람이 조각한 듯한 유연한 콘크리트의 형상은 안토니오 가우디로부터 계승된 디자인DNA를 재현한다. -가우디 건축의 가장 특징적인 오가닉한 형태는 자연으로 부터 얻은 영감을 자연의 형태를 재현하는데서 시작된다. 그리고 그렇게 구현된 건축공간은 또다시 자연으로 회귀하는 특성을 보이며 자연과 동기화 된다. 건축가의 자의적인 해석으로 이루어진 심미적인 형상은 자기만족을 위한 하나의 사치품일뿐, 시간을 관통하는 건축 및 공간을 형성하지는 못한다.- 그리하여 완성된 거주환경은 안락함과 쾌적함을 제공하는 쉘터로 자리 한다.

reviewed by SJ

Perched on the slope of a rocky hill in the Californian desert, not far from Joshua Tree National Park, the Desert House by American architect Kendrick Bangs Kellogg is hard to categorise. Its impressive exterior form which is impeccably composed and sophisticatedly embedded within its natural surroundings consists of numerous cast-concrete slabs, which seem to cover the interior like the foliage of an otherworldly tree. Completed in the early 2000‘s after over a decade in the making, the house was commissioned by artist Bev Doolittle and her husband, who were fascinated by Kellogg’s unique aesthetic and gave him a carte blanche for the project. Born in 1934, Kellogg is considered one of the pioneers of organic architecture in the USA; his idiosyncratic style has been expressed for the most part in private projects, examples being the striking Hoshino Wedding Chapel in Karuizawa, Japan, and the Yen House in La Jolla, California.

For the creation of the Desert House, Kellogg brought his long-term collaborator, designer John Vurgin on board, who then set about designing and building pretty much everything in the house (even the fence which surrounds the property is custom-made with spiky iron elements that look like fishbone structures). It took Vurgin almost a decade to create the interiors and other elements of the house, but the wait was worthwhile: with incredible features such as the parasol installed in the dining room made of no less than 800 pieces of sandblasted glass, while in the master bedroom a self-standing bronze washing basin was given an organic yet alien form that would make even Antoni Gaudí jealous. More meticulously crafted artwork than residence, it wouldn’t surprise us if Desert House soon becomes part of a wealthy architecture enthusiast’s collection, or even a museum open to visitors.

from  yatzer


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