*도시를 적층하다. 스트라스부그르 건축학교 [ Marc Mimram ] Strasbourg School of Architecture

도시를 적층하다. 스트라스부르크에 위치한 건축학교의 기묘한 외형은 건축이 도시와 관계 맺기 위한 다양한 방법론들을 숨김없이 적나라하게 건축의 제스쳐를 통해 구현한다. 그리고 교수와 학생이 상호교감 할 수 있도록 밀착된 공간을 형성한다. 이는 건축이 도시와 각기 다른 방향에서 각기 다른 레벨에서 관계 맺으며 비틀어지고 찢어지고 회전하면서 형성된 다이나믹한 공간이 이용자에게 선사하는 풍부한 공간 속에서 이루어진다. 가로환경에 맞다 있는 저층부는 내외부가 밀착된 투명한 글래스 박스로 외부환경을 내부로 적극적으로 유입시키는 반면 그위로 비틀어진 큐빅들은 알루미늄 판넬을 이용한 반투명한 스킨과 비틀어진 잉여 공간을 통해 내부 프로그램과 외부환경을 적절히 버퍼한다. 그리고 이 버퍼 스페이스는 외부환경으로 부터 내부환경을 보호하는 장치로 사용되거나 내부 프로그램을 외부로 발산시키는 이중적인 건축어휘로 사용되며 인간과 공간, 공간과 건축, 건축과 도시의 관계성을 재정립한다.

reviewed by SJ,   오사

The teaching spaces of La Fabrique are projected into the streetscape, encouraging students to engage with the building’s context and allowing the city to permeate the ribbed veil of the façade. The transparent plinth gives the feeling that a gravitational force has pulled the building upwards leaving it to rest on stiletto heels, allowing the city in underneath.

Architects: Marc Mimram
Location: 4 Boulevard du Président Wilson, Strasbourg,
Area: 4,500 sqm
Year: 2014
Photographs: Julien Lanoo

Structural Engineer:
Acoustic Engineer: PEUTZ & Associés
Contractor: Leon Grosse

The building’s massing consists of two-storey blocks stacked on top of each other. The lower block cantilevers over the transparent, ground floor plinth, while the uppermost block steps back, providing the maximum volume within the constraints set by the planning regulations. The blocks are unified by the common envelope, a semi-transparent aluminium skin that cloaks the glazed “boxes.”

A metal curtain glides between large bay windows to frame views across the city, its homes and its cathedral. By day, the building reflects the changing light as the sun moves around the façade; by night, inside and outside are reversed, revealing the building’s skeleton and morphing between transparent and opaque.

Marc Mimram, Founding Director of the practice said:

“The central location presented a rare opportunity for an architecture school to engage in a dialogue between the city and the study of architecture. The relationship between structure and envelope has been the foundation of architectural practice since the Gothic age, and since the 19th century this has been beautifully expressed through metal structures.

Today, there can be a tendency to enclose, thicken and solidify, to separate ourselves from the environment and the natural elements. La Fabrique expresses a renewed ambition to resist this trend and to open the building towards the city and the urban skylines.”

The new school was above all designed as a tool for its students, a means to experience the study of architecture and to provide shared spaces in which to interact, collaborate and discover. The building’s name, La Fabrique, refers to the history of the site, but also echoes the study of architecture: the construction of knowledge and the knowledge of construction.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY