*인간중심형 병원 [ atelierpro ] Meander Medical Center

네덜란드 아메르스포르트에 새롭게 건립된 병원의 지향점은 주변환경 및 자연과의 조화를 통한 치유공간 형성에 있다. 이러한 환경구축(힐링 스페이스)은 이곳을 방문하는 모든이에게 열린공간으로, 특히 환자들에게는 빠른 쾌유와 안정을 도모하는 쉘터로 제공된다.


병원은 마을공간구조와 흡사한 가로환경(콘코스와 같이)을 간결한 형태로 구현, 각 공간을 유연하게 연결하는 내부공간과 인근주변과 병원을 연결하는 공용광장으로 구성된다. 주출입구로 부터 형성된, 시작된 중심축(가로환경)은 각 공용공간을 연계하며 병원의 중심공간(커튼월로 마감된 광장 역활)으로 오른편에 De Brink 와 De Foyer가 좌측편에는 De Oranjerie가 배치된다. -또한 각 공용시설; 레스토랑, 약국, 오디토리움, 대기실 그리고 방향을 알리는 랜드마크가 연계, 배치된다.- 


인간중심 공간형성을 목표로 안락한 오픈스페이스 형성은 무엇보다 환자를 위한 치유공간 생성과 방문객, 주요고객 및 병원관계자(의사, 간호사, etc...) 쉽게 접근 및 이용 할 수 있는 동선체계 확립을 통한 기능공간 충족에 있다. 거기에 자연과의 조우를 위해 내부로 유입된 랜드스케이프 및 적극적인 채광 유입은 밀착된 내외부환경 조성으로 지속가능한 거주환경을 이용자들에게 제공한다.

병실( 프라빗 스페이스)

환자의 안락함과 사생활 보호를 최대 목표로한다. 모든 환자들 및 그들의 간호인들을 위한 개인 욕실, 그리고 가변적으로 조정가능한 슬라이딩 도어 시스템을 통한 사생활 보호. 외부로 열린 개방창 및 엣지형태의 라운지를 통한 커뮤니티 공간 형성으로 인간중심 공간을 지향한다.


내부 가로환경의 오른편에 위치, 외부 자연환경과 조우하는 핑거형태(선형)로 분산배치된다. 배치의 핵심은 플렉서블리티에 있으며 내부 기능 및 조건에 따라 조정가능하도록 (향후 공간 필요시 선형방향으로 증축을 고려한) 구성되며 적정한 폭(볼륨) 유지로 채광 및 뷰를 확보한다.


앞서 말한 헬스케어 환경 구축을 위해 효과적인 동선 분리로 가능한 환자와 방문객들의 시선으로 부터 차단되도록 구성한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The new Meander Medical Centre in Amersfoort is a completely new type of hospital. In this impressive health care institution the patient remains central and the connection with the surrounding nature is strongly felt throughout the building. This creates a healing environment where – partly thanks to the inclusion of only private rooms – patients can gain more rest for a fast recovery. Despite its size of more than 100,000 m², it’s a hospital where people can easily find their way around. At the end of 2013, the first patients were welcomed into this spacious, light-filled hospital.

Architects: atelierpro
Location: Maatweg, The
Design: Hans van Beek with Mark Bruin, Jeroen Ekama, Paul Fouchier, Emile Jansen, Menno Roefs
Interior Architect: Hans van Beek, Wessel Reinders, Ellen Vaal, Elisabeth Tukker, Thijs Klinkhamer ism Kleurmerk (Erna Tielen)
Area: 112,000 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: John Lewis Marshall, Dirk Verwoerd

Design Duo Competition: Hans van Beek ism Dorte Kristensen en Christina Kaiser
Project Leader: Hein Doeksen, Mark Homminga and Ernstjan Cornelis
Design Team: Mira van Beek, Ido de Boer, Roel Buijs, Mart Buter, Antonio Cannavacciuolo, Diana van Dongen, Michel van Gageldonk, Corine Jongejan, Priet Jokhan, Christina Kaiser, Hans Kalkhoven, Arthur Loomans, Mattijs van Lopik, Marjon Main, Cock van Meurs, Katarzyna Nowak, Paul Olink, Andrew Page, Emile Quanjel, Ferry Raedts, Sandrine Rointru, Arie van der Toorn, Felix Timmermans, Tobias Thoen, Paul Verhaar, Robert Witteman, Wais Wardak.
Landscape Designer : Hans van Beek and Bruno Doedens (DS Landschapsarchitecten)
Bouwdirectie: Meander Medisch Centrum, Heijmans, Ballast Nedam en atelier PRO
Costs Expert: atelier PRO and At Osborne
Contract Documents: atelier PRO
General Contractor: 2MC3 (Meander Combinatie VOF): Heijmans Bouw, Ballast Nedam en Heijmans Utiliteit (voorheen Burgers Ergon).

Main structure
The composition of buildings has a clear structure similar to a village with a main avenue and public squares from which all ‘houses’ of the hospital can be accessed. Starting from the entrance, the avenue forms the central axis of the floor plan. All public areas in the building are visible and accessible from this spine. Bordering the avenue are three prominent glass-covered ‘squares’: De Brink and De Foyer to the right and De Oranjerie to the left. Public facilities such as the restaurant, pharmacy, auditorium, and waiting rooms function as additional landmarks for orientation.

The aim is to provide a humane environment for people, who are already under immense stress, to comfortably stay. Furthermore, it involves more than the patients. Visitors and, importantly, hospital staff should feel at ease and be able to navigate their way. Generous open spaces were planned between buildings to allow the landscape to penetrate into the building; as a result daylight can enter deep into the complex and the surrounding nature is always visible. Daylight, nature and good wayfinding are essential elements that help determine the wellbeing of people. A warm natural material, timber is widely used in the public spaces and patient rooms while glass is used throughout for daylight and views.

Private rooms
The wards in this new hospital were designed in an innovative way to provide maximum privacy and comfort for patients. Every patient has his or her own private room equipped with a bathroom and large sliding door that can be moved so that the level of privacy can be personally adjusted. The rooms face onto a wide, wedge-shaped lounge created for patients, visitors and staff. Computer desks are also provided along with a pantry for making coffee and tea. The lounge ends with a panoramic window that affords daylight and views into the surroundings. This arrangement avoids the use of old-fashioned long corridors and, furthermore, allows people to navigate their way around the ward more intuitively. By providing social amenities, patients are encouraged to get quickly back on their feet again.

The clinics are situated to the right of the avenue in a series of individual buildings organised like outspread fingers in the landscape. Here the focus lies on flexibility. As in an empty office building shell, the clinics can be flexibly arranged according to the required needs. Future extensions are possible via the addition of extra wings into the fingered structure. To accommodate the large numbers of patients and visitors that frequent this part of the building, large atriums – named Brink and Foyer – were created between these fingers. Waiting happens as much as possible in these voluminous, light-filled squares where the dining facilities are also located: here, the wait doesn’t feel so eternal.

The key to creating a good atmosphere in a healthcare environment lies in good logistics. Throughout the complex, the ‘hospital machine’ is hidden as much as possible from the sight of patients and visitors. This was made possible by elevating the building on a mound inside which the logistics services are concentrated. Here, the logistics corridor connects all the goods lifts from the wards as well as the clinics with the logistics hub. In this way, hospital supplies can be replenished 24 hours a day without the patient or visitor ever noticing. As the logistics hubs are always hidden behind, the goods are never moved through the departments. In addition, patients are brought to surgery along a separate route from visitors.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY