*소셜스페이스; 자이언트 새둥지 [ oge-group ] Bird’s Nest Bed

새로운 소셜 스페이스; 자이언트 새둥지는 플레이그라운드와 가구가 접목된 설치물로 안락하며 포근한 촉감공간 형성을 통해 다양한 소셜활동 지원을 목적으로 제작된다. 나무로 제작된 둥지(바운더리)에 채워진 타원형태의 쿠션은 각기 다른 사이즈로 디자인, 디스플레이되며 설치물을 완성한다. -흡사 거대한 새둥지를 연상시키는- 바운더리 크기에 따라 4,5명에서 16명정도의 인원이 동시에 즐길 수 있도록 제작될 예정으로 휴식, 웹검색, 독서, 러빙, 대화 등등 다양한 활동을 제약없이 제공한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The Giant birdsnest aka “Giant Birdsnest for creating new ideas” was conceived and created as a prototype for new and inspiring socializing space: a fusion of furniture and playground: A comfortable informal and sensual soft space. The wooden nest is filled with highly comfortable egg-shaped sitting poofs which allow ergonomic sitting positions and various configurations for informal meetings and social exchange.

The nest comes in various sizes, from a small and intimate nest for 2-3 people up to a 4.50 m diameter big version which can host up to 16 people at once – the soft space is perfect, comfortable and inspiring place for resting, browsing the web, reading, relaxing, loving, talking, briefing, discussing (…) Its powerful, yet simple concept and intriguing character needs no explanation or user manual: Ready to be used, ready for playing or working in.


from  oge-group


Designed by JB FACTORY