*픽셀 파사드 [ nps tchoban voss ] Benois House

건축물의 파사드는 인간의 다양한 삶을 담는 캔버스로, 회화된 이미지를 통해 인간과 건축의 밀착된 경험을 이끄는 매개체가 된다. 러시아의 유명한 예술가 알렉산더 베노아가 1877년부터 1878년 그리고 1882년에 기거했던 Kuschelev-Besborodko궁전과 Piscarevski 전망(이전에 공원이 위치했던) 사이의 경계에 위치한 산업용 건물은 일분 훼손된 부분을 복원, 수리하며 전반적인 리노베이션 과정을 통해 지역 비즈니스환경에 구심점을 위한 비즈니스센터로 제안된다. 특히 건축물의 파사드 디자인은 러시아의 예술과 문화를 세계적으로 유명하게 만든 그의 극장 디자인을 모티브로, 그가 이탈리아 머물며 스케치하였던 다양한 초고 작품들을 글래스 패널위에 투사한다. ( 페스티발속 화려하면서도 회화스러운 인간들의 모습들은 디지털화 과정을 통해 글래스 패널 위에 프린팅 된다.) 이를 통해 공간은 장소성을 부여받고 아이텐티한 캐릭터를 생성한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The project is situated on the right bank of the river Neva in front of the Smolny monastery in the mordern Kalininsky District in St. Petersburg.

A partly damaged industrial building is situated on the border between the former garden of the Kuschelev-Besborodko-palace and Piscarevski prospect, where 1877/78 and 1882 the famous russian artist Alexander Benois used to live. The building was renovated and remodeled into a multifunctional business centre.

The design of the new construction is dedicated to the artist A. Benois, especially to his theatre designs that made the Russian art and culture world famous being a part of the Diagelev’s Russian Seasons.

Benois’ drafts for theatre costumes were a basis for the digital figurines at the façade glasses. The façade with festive and comical ornaments should mainly remind of the façades of the Tuscany palazzos that A. Benois liked a lot, he has made many drawings of them during his trips to Italy. At the same time it should remind of the fancy-dress balls given by the Earl Besborodko for Catherine the Great that A. Benois described in his aide memoires.

The floor-to-ceiling printed glazing is combined with the transparent glass elements in an aluminium-post and rail-construction that straddles the whole façade being a substructure.

In the place of the bend in the building caused by the street course a point held insulation glass façade is inserted within the complete height of the façade. Behind this “joint of the façade” are the elevators installed.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY